The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1631: Want to take Booming Pill? !

The two light wheels behind the Mongolian side are so dazzling, falling in the eyes of the four-nation coalition forces. This is an exciting picture, but on Zhu Yanguo's side, it makes their hearts heavy.

Even though there is a difference of one realm, the gap is still obvious.

Unexpectedly, after the Mongolian side used the original jade talisman, the strength was increased to this level, but it was beyond everyone's expectations.

"It's not over yet!!"

However, when everyone thought Mongolia had reached its limit, they saw him take out a bottle of pill.

"It's a blasting pill!!"

Everyone recognized the bottle of pill and couldn't help exclaiming: "He still wants to take the Explosive Yuan Pill!! This, shouldn't it be raised to the fourth level of the virtual?"

The soldiers of the four-nation coalition are all excited!

Once the Mongolian side is promoted to the fourth level of the emptiness, it will definitely be a crushing game against Hu Yanxiu!

"Is this guy crazy? I am so crazy to increase his strength, so I am afraid that I can't bear it and burst into death?" Ji Wuya frowned, looked at Meng Fang in surprise, still holding one in his hand. Drumsticks, just take a bite.

"Elder Ji, you are worried, why do I think you are not worried at all?" Tong Ming frowned, and there was nothing to do with this foodie.

"Associate Dean, have you seen the little master?" Ji Wuya swallowed and looked at Luo Xiaoman. "She has always been calm, not hurried, she must have confidence in Hu Yanxiu and Zhiwu that she will win. Don't forget, she has a big brother who refines pills. Who knows if she will give them privately. What kind of pill is this little guy?"

Tong Ming's eyes brightened, and it was clear in his heart. Now Luo Xiaoman really had a calm face, and he didn't worry that Hu Yanxiu would fail. Even if Zhi Wu was seriously injured now, she didn't see her frowning.

Either she has a hard heart, or she anticipates all this development, and everything is under control.

"Elder Xiaoman, what are you thinking in your heart?" Tong Ming squinted his eyes, his heart was too curious, but if Luo Xiaoman didn't say anything, no one could really figure out the mind of this little ancestor.

"Associate Dean, just look down." Ji Wuya licked his greasy lips, with a relaxed look on his beautiful face, and smiled: "I think the situation has become more and more interesting."

Although Ji Wuya was right, no matter how you looked at the current situation, it was very unfavorable to Hu Yanxiu.

"Xiaoman, are you really not worried at all?" Here, Luo Mushan frowned, squeezing his sweat for Hu Yanxiu, and said: "This is still the second layer. If you take the Boosting Pill again, I'm afraid it will Promote directly to the fourth floor of the virtual!"

"Daddy, calm down." Luo Xiaoman yawned and said lazily: "You'll know when you look at it. I have a trump card hidden."

"Ace? What ace?" Luo Mushan was startled slightly, and asked subconsciously.

However, Luo Xiaoman just showed a meaningful smile and stopped talking, which made Luo Mu Shan tickled and very uncomfortable.

Like him, there are other people who hate Luo Xiaoman who sells Guanzi.

Of course, they didn't dare to ask more, otherwise Luo Xiaozong would come with a big hammer, but he would be blown away!


Another tyrannical aura erupted. After taking the Booming Yuan Pill, the Mongolian side's strength rose to the third level of the Void Return Period.

Because this is a force to enhance the strength, there is no way to condense the third light wheel.

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