The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1638: Xiao Kun, are all resolved?

"General Qi, you are challenging the majesty of my Qiang clan!" Qiang Wenting's gaze also became cold, staring at the courage who did not know where he came from, and disobeyed the majestic General Qi of the Qiang clan.

"Hahaha! The Qiang clan is certainly strong, but now that the Three Realms and the Six Paths merge, and all forces have risen, your Qiang clan is no longer the only strong." General Qi raised his hand and suddenly sent a signal. "This time, we have prepared for the worst, and we must take you Zhu Yanguo!"

With a bang!

A firework burst into the sky.

Suddenly, everyone's minds tightened, and they stared at the front warily.

For a long time, there was still no situation around, and everyone couldn't help showing their doubts.

"General Qi, what's going on?" General Liu frowned, and said nervously, "Aren't we talking to Ghost Dao? Are they going to temporarily betray the agreement?"

"Impossible!" General Qi gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Ghost Road, we have reached a mutually beneficial agreement. In this troubled world, it is absolutely impossible to betray."

Although the behavior of Ghost Dao is very strange, it is impossible for Ghost King to do things that harm his own interests.

At this moment, a figure appeared from the front, carrying a person in his hand.

Strictly speaking, he is not mentioning a person, but a ghost.

"Who are you!?" General Qi's pupils shrank, and he looked at the visitor with horror.

This man wears long silver-white hair and a thin body, as if a gust of wind can blow it away. Those sapphire eyes are clear and bright, as if they are the most flawless gems in the world.

"Are you waiting for him?" Kunlun casually threw out the ghost road in his hand, his expression indifferent, as if he had done a very ordinary thing.

However, in the eyes of General Qi and the others, they were shaken by a severe earthquake.

This is because this ghost road is not someone else, but the ghost general who is responsible for contacting them, and is stronger than any of them.

However, this ghost general was actually killed by the boy in front of him.

"I said it all!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman walked over, sighed, and said: "You will regret it!"

For a moment, General Qi and the others looked at Luo Xiaoman together again.

At this moment, they looked at Luo Xiaoman's gaze, full of fear, even the three generals who had originally disdained him were also panicked.

They finally realized the mood of General Qi at that time!

This Luo Xiaoman is simply a cute devil!

Had she expected that they had reached an intent to cooperate with Gui Dao, and let this white-haired boy secretly solve the Gui Dao army?

But is this possible?

Ghost Dao's army, but the scale of thousands of people, each of them has super strength, not less than the strength of the gods.

However, the ghost general who died in front of them made their minds tense and wavered in their judgment.

"Xiao Kun, are all resolved?" Luo Xiaoman glanced at Kunlun indifferently.


In the eyes of others, this um is to repel the ghost. After all, no matter how strong a person is, how can it be possible to destroy a thousand-person and powerful ghost army?

However, in Luo Xiaoman's eyes, the word "um" is to wipe out all ghosts.

Because here she knows Kunlun best, this seemingly thin teenager has this strength!

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