"So, are you happy?" Suddenly, Kunlun blinked and asked a seemingly ordinary question. However, Mount Luomu next to him was creepy.

After all, he knew where Kunlun came from.

This guy waved his hand just to make Xiaoman happy, and killed thousands of ghosts!

Fortunately, Kunlun is now his own, otherwise, it is definitely a nightmare existence.

"Happy!" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, smiled playfully, and said: "You solve the trouble for me, I must be happy."

Kunlun was silent for a while, then turned around and stared at General Qi and others. "They are enemies and troubles. If I help you solve them, will you be happy too?"

Suddenly, General Qi and others shuddered, their eyes flashed with fright.

Who is this guy? !

Just to make Luo Xiaoman happy, to slaughter all of them, this is simply abnormal!

Especially, when this guy said this, it was very common, and he didn't even release a bit of murderous intent. This is all because of their dust! !

Take a breath and it's gone!

"Cough cough!" Luo Xiaoman coughed lightly, and said quickly: "Xiao Kun, it's okay! They should leave it to me!"

"Okay!" Kunlun nodded, and stood beside Luo Xiaoman.

The moment he stood beside Luo Xiaoman, everyone felt an illusion in their hearts, that no matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to get past this young man and hurt Luo Xiaoman half a point.

This feeling...just like Mo Yuan was standing next to Luo Xiaoman.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yuan was now injured and unconscious, and another Kunlun came. Luo Xiaoman was indeed the little ancestor who made people love and hate, so many powerful people were surrounding her.

Even Qiang Wenting on one side showed a solemn color.

She couldn't understand the details of Kunlun, but she could feel the invisible oppression radiated by the other party. This was the feeling that she would only have when she faced the great grandfather, Qiang Heng.

I began to understand why Mr. Ling valued Luo Xiaoman so much. There was indeed something in her body that could not be expressed in words.

"General Qi, I'll give you another chance!" Luo Xiaoman stared at General Qi and said coldly: "Do you still want to refuse?"

General Qi hesitated!

They have the spirit to help each other, and perhaps have the confidence to challenge Zhu Yanguo.

However, now that Ghost Dao has been dealt with, and there is no backing behind him, it is like a discouraged ball, let the opponent hold it!


At this moment, another strange noise came.

General Qi was startled slightly, and even saw an army marching here.

When he saw the banner, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed: "It's Shura, they finally agreed to our proposal!"

"General Qi, Shura agreed to the alliance?!" General Liu was also surprised. They not only found the ghost way before, but also found the Shura way to discuss the alliance.

However, Shura Dao was very stubborn, no matter how he lobbyed, he did not agree with the alliance.

"Isn't this obvious!" General Qi's eyes flashed with a hot divine light. "No matter how you look at the conditions we put forward, there is no way to refuse! You see, one of the four great Shura generals, Rusida came in person, doesn't it explain the problem?"

As the Shura army came, the arrogance of the four-nation coalition rose again.

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