The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1640: It is you who will surrender!

Although the Ghost Dao was repelled by Kunlun, they still have Shura. This is a race that existed in ancient times with amazing strength. Can a mere Zhu Yan country resist it?

Regardless of you Luo Xuanzong, Demon Sha, or the big families, in front of Shura, they are all children and can be manipulated at will.

"Luo Xiaoman, you are the one who is surrendering now!" General Qi said with a grim face and sneered: "However, my lord has a large number. Now I will give you two options. One is to hand in the design drawings of the floating city. Come out, the second is to let our army stamp Qinhuai City?"

Qiang Wenting's eyebrows were solemn, and he realized that the situation was not good. The Asura Dao was the most powerful race among the six realms. If they were to intervene in this dispute, their Qiang clan would have no way to take care of the overall situation.

After all, after a month, they will launch an attack on the ethereal world, and they must not be affected by the slightest.

This time Zhu Yan’s country was in trouble. They only came forward to mediate and did not directly make a move. It was also out of this consideration.

However, when she looked at Luo Xiaoman, she found that the girl was still calm and never panicked.

Could it be that the situation has reached this point and is still under her control?

As for the rest of Zhu Yanguo, they already showed fear and didn't know what to do. If they hadn't seen Luo Xiaoman always calm as usual, they might have already started to flee.

They also know that Shura Dao is a more terrifying race than Ghost Dao!

"General Qi, why are you so stubborn?" Luo Xiaoman sighed, shook his head, and said, "Also, do you feel too good about yourself?"

"Hahaha, Luo Xiaoman, you don't have to pretend! You must be in a panic right now, right?" General Qi grinned, flushed with excitement. This feeling of controlling the overall situation is really enjoyable. "Don't worry, I will give you a decent way to die."

His tone became sharper, and his eyes swept the crowd gloomily. "Although you don't want to hand over the design drawings of the floating city, we have a way to find the design drawings!"

"Xiaoman?" Kunlun frowned, seeming to hate General Qi, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Kun, you don't need to shoot." Luo Xiaoman waved his hand, then took out a lollipop and held it into his mouth. "Otherwise, I won't see a good show."

Although he didn't know what the good show Luo Xiaoman was talking about, he would unconditionally obey what Luo Xiaoman said.

Watching a show?

General Qi curled his lips, his face was full of mockery, and I will let you know later, what is self-destruction.

In order to see Luo Xiaoman's jokes, he did not rush to do anything, waiting for the arrival of the Asura army.

Soon, the Shura army rushed over.

Suddenly, a three-headed six-armed female Shura headed into everyone's eyes!

"Master Ruth, welcome!" General Qi greeted him with a smile on his face.

Ruth frowned, turned sideways, passed him, and walked straight to Luo Xiaoman.

General Qi was taken aback, turned his head, seeing Ruth's appearance very anxious, he couldn't help being dark, did Ruth Daren and Luo Xiaoman also have a feud?


The Ruth Daren must know the existence of Luo Xiaoman, so he can cooperate with them!

Oh, Luo Xiaoman, you have a lot of enemies! General Qi twitched the corners of his mouth and stared at Luo Xiaoman coldly, waiting to see this little ancestor being abused and killed by Lord Ruth.

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