"Deputy Dean, so don't make me angry." Luo Xiaoman pouted and said hummingly.

Looking at this beautiful and cute face, Tong Ming shivered and shook his head again and again. "Little ancestor, you gave me a hundred courage, and I dare not be your enemy!"

"Hehe!" Luo Xiaoman smiled, and then glanced ahead, only to see Lan Xi approaching with solemn expression.

"Sect Master Luo..."

"Stop!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said angrily: "Don't call me the Sect Master, you are the Sect Master, just call me Xiaoman!"

"Um..." Lan Xi was startled slightly, nodded awkwardly, and said: "Okay, okay! Xiaoman!"

"Yeah, that's right. Sect Master or something, too old-fashioned!" Luo Xiaoman nodded in satisfaction, then said: "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"Xiaoman, we just received ten invitations." Lan Xi took out a jade charm and handed it to Luo Xiaoman. "They invited us to the Ten Grand Competition."

"Ten Sects Contest?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, dark in his heart, it seemed that the ten sects had been silent for so long, and they were finally about to become active.

"Well, the Grand Competition of Ten Sects is a grand event for exchanges between the ten schools. However, with our position in Luo Xuanzong, we should not be among the invited."

This is the problem!

"I infer that this is a trap!" Lan Xi said coldly.

"Yes, this is a trap!" Luo Xiaoman grinned, confirming Lan Xi's guess. "The ten of them want to unite and calculate... me."

"Then, we refuse?" Lan Xi didn't notice. Luo Xiaoman emphasized her instead of Luo Xuanzong.

"No!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said calmly: "We accept the invitation to participate in this Zongmen Competition."

Lan Xi's pupils shrank, and looked at Luo Xiaoman in amazement.

This answer surprised him!

After all, they have already seen that this is a trap, but they have to rush into it. Isn't it a brainstorm? However, out of trust in Luo Xiaoman, he knew that this must have its own ideas.

"However, our Luo Xuanzong has just started, and the general strength of our disciples is not as good as that of the ten..."

"Lan Xi, have you brought the nine-story Linglong Tower?" Luo Xiaoman interrupted Lan Xi and asked another question.

"Bring it!" Lan Xi took out the nine-story Linglong Tower. This nine-story Linglong Tower belonged to Luo Xiaoman, but she gave her control to herself before she could put it away, otherwise no one could move it. Got it.

"Very good!" Luo Xiaoman smiled faintly: "In the future, Luo Xuanzong will take root in the Floating City. Next, I will set up a formation and open the permissions of the nine-story Linglong Tower to allow all Luo Xuanzong's disciples Go in and practice."

"When the time comes, we will select those who will participate in the competition among the disciples who have made the most progress."

Lan Xi was dumbfounded, and was stunned by Luo Xiaoman's resolute and resolute means!

"Lan Xi, do you have any questions?"

"No, no more!"

"So don't you hurry up and get things done?"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, Lan Xi ran out quickly to handle the things Luo Xiaoman arranged.

The corners of Luo Xiaoman's lips rose slightly, revealing a hidden smile. The Ten Great Comparisons seemed like a trap, but in fact it was an opportunity that could not be found.

"Tsk tsk, Qing Cang, Qing Cang, you too underestimate me, Luo Xiaoman, right?"

Tong Ming, who was next to him, saw Luo Xiaoman's smile and couldn't help but shudder, and mourned Qingcang in advance!

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