The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1651: Luo Xiaozong has a new action


A burst of noise exploded, shocking the entire Qinhuai City.

All the old and young people in Qinhuai City walked out, following the prestige, only to see a tall tower descending from the sky and landing on the central square.

"What's the situation? Where did this tower come from?"

"This tall tower has nine floors, surrounded by aura, absolutely extraordinary!"

"Is it the masterpiece of Luo Er Gongzi?"

Throughout the entire Qinhuai city, only the second son of Luo could develop such a magic weapon!

There was a lot of discussion, perhaps because they were used to seeing the big scene, they were very calm about this high tower that fell from the sky.

"This is the nine-story Linglong Pagoda!" Here, Hu Yanling stared at the high tower surrounded by aura from the direction of Hu Yan's house, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that Xiao Ancestor Luo has another new action!"

Thinking of this, he moved towards the central square.

When Hu Yanling just walked out of the house, he ran into the Ye Family Patriarch, Ye Canglan, but was also attracted by the nine-story Linglong Pagoda.

"Heh, Master Ye, your goddaughter has a new action again." Hu Yanling twitched his lips and teased. "I'm quite envious of you, but I inexplicably recognize Luo Xiaozong as a goddaughter, and I don't know what good luck your Yejia took."

Judging from the current situation, Luo Xiaoman's future development is absolutely immeasurable.

If their Ye Family can get Luo Xiaoman's shelter, they will definitely be able to go smoothly, and it's just a mysterious mineral concentrate.

Profound Concentrate, however, has indescribable benefits to the cultivator, and Ye Family can definitely make a fortune with this. At the same time, the Xuan Concentrate is also an important energy source for the floating city in the future, and its value is even harder to estimate.

As long as Luo Xiaoman keeps getting better, the Ye Family will get better and better under his blessings. It won't be long before their Huyan Family will be caught up.

"Haha, Patriarch Huyan, you don't have to be scornful." Ye Canglan smiled, and said lightly: "President Huyan is not a disciple of Xiaoman. Besides, the relationship between the dean and Luo Xiaoman is very close, so are you Huyan family too. It's just like wind and water."

Hu Yanling was startled slightly, then laughed.

Indeed, as Ye Canglan said, through Hu Yan Ruofeng and Hu Yanxiu, their Hu Yan family was also tied to Luo Xiaoman.

"Patriarch Ye, let's stop talking nonsense, hurry up and see our little ancestor Luo, what are you making?"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the two accelerated to the central square.

Not long after, Hu Yanling and Ye Canglan came to the central square, only to see that the place was already full of people.

When they turned their eyes, they landed on the petite figure standing in front of the nine-story exquisite pagoda. Standing with her, there was the white-haired young man, Kunlun.

"Patriarch Huyan, Patriarch Ye, you are here!" At this moment, Luo Mushan walked over and greeted both of them.

"Patriarch Luo, you can quickly talk about what Xiaoman is going to do?" Ye Canglan asked impatiently.

"Haha, do you want to know?" Luo Mushan narrowed his eyes and showed a sly smile, deliberately arousing the curiosity of the two.

"Patriarch Luo, don't sell Guanzi." Hu Yanling shook his head and said helplessly: "There are too many Guanzi sold, but it will be unlucky."

"Cough cough, okay." Luo Mushan coughed lightly, then said with a serious expression: "Actually...I don't know."

Hu Yanling and Ye Canglan were stunned, and immediately had a great impulse to beat Luomushan.

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