Soon, Luo Xiaoman came to the nine-story Linglong Tower.

A lot of people have been surrounded here, they are all waiting for Luo Xuanzong's disciples to leave.

"Xiaoman!" Lan Xi walked over and greeted Luo Xiaoman enthusiastically. "Today is the day when the newcomers leave the customs. I don't know how far these guys can be promoted?"

"Let's take a look." Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes and glanced at the nine-story Linglong Tower surrounded by aura.

If you are an ordinary cultivator, you should be able to improve your realm within three days!


At this moment, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda rippled with power, passing everyone's hearts.

Everyone's minds tightened, and their eyes widened, staring at the entrance of the nine-story Linglong Tower.

"Come here, we're leaving the customs!"

After a while, a group of figures flew out from the entrance.

The aura on them was strong, their eyes were firm, and they were full of vitality, as if they were reborn.

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, very satisfied with these Luo Xuanzong disciples. "Lan Xi, you have worked hard to recruit disciples."

"In order not to ruin the reputation of Luo Xuanzong, and not to waste some of your scheming, Xiaoman, I don't dare to be careless." Lan Xin smiled, speaking lightly, but in practice, it is not easy at all.

There is no shortage of talents in the world, but there is a lack of eyes that can discover talents.

Luo Xuanzong opened the gate and recruited disciples. In addition to letting Ji Yuanxun and Fan Ma screen them, Lan Xi also personally screened them later to ensure that those who remained were talents.

Not only that, but he did not hesitate to teach and preach for these newcomers so that they could get into the state faster.

Looking at the ten sects, how many sect masters can be like him?

"You can get this opportunity because of the favor of the Supreme Sect Master. Don't hurry and thank the Supreme Sect Master!" Lan Xi swept around and said loudly.

Suddenly, many disciples knelt down one after another, and said in unison: "Thank you for the gift of the Supreme Sect Master, I will definitely do my best for Luo Xuanzong and die!"

"Well, get up all." Luo Xiaoman raised her hand, and she accepted all the courtesy of these disciples.

They can be polite with Lan Xi, but for these newcomers, she must remain majestic, otherwise, these young and frivolous guys are afraid to drift into the void.

"Sect Master Xie Taishang." The new people got up one after another.

"Your performance is good." Luo Xiaoman swept around the disciples, and could see the pride in their eyes. "However, this is relative to the average person, and it is far from enough for me..."

The disciples were slightly startled, thinking that Luo Xiaoman would not hesitate to praise him, but suddenly he disliked that they had not improved enough?

Seeing the unhappiness in these guys’ eyes, Luo Xiaoman twitched his lips, understood his chest, and said, “I know you’re not convinced. After all, some of you have been directly promoted from the pill formation stage to the Nascent Infant stage. From the Nascent Infant Stage to the Transcendental Stage, the span of it, placed on other people, must be a genius among geniuses."

"It's just..." Her eyes sank, and said: "You are the disciples of Luo Xuanzong. Our disciples of Luo Xuanzong can be number one, never second. If you don't have this awareness, you can leave directly. "

The disciples looked at each other, seeming to feel incredible for Luo Xiaoman's words.

Luo Xuanzong did have great potential, but compared with Shizong, he was a newborn. Would it be too arrogant for such a newborn to say such arrogant words?

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