However, for Luo Xiaoman's seemingly arrogant remark, the old people of Luo Xuanzong didn't feel wrong at all, and even took it for granted.

"Sect Master, I know your strength is very strong. However, we are all carefully selected by the Sect Master, and each one has amazing potential." A thin man stood up and pointed to a teenager next to him. , Said unconvincedly: "Like Senior Brother Li, but from the Nascent Soul Stage to the fifth level of the God Transforming Stage, how many people can compare with this span?"

"Yes! Brother Li is the most qualified among our group of people! He is blue-qualified, with high savvy, and he is definitely the best among the younger generation."

Luo Xiaoman's eyes turned and fell on the tall and thin young man.

The tall and thin young man has a torch-like look, his chest is straight, and he has a strong confidence in his heart. Even in the face of the compliments of the seniors, he only smiled, but calmed down.

This tall and thin boy is what everyone calls Senior Brother Li, Li Min.

"There is also Senior Sister Qingxue, who is also a blue aptitude, and her savvy is not much worse than Senior Brother Li, and she is already at the fourth level of spiritual transformation."

Luo Xiaoman's eyes turned once again, falling on a cold woman.

Like Li Min, she had a strong confidence under her eyes. When Li Min was mentioned, she even had some vigorous light, which seemed to regard the other party as a competitor.

One of them is tall and handsome, the other is glamorous and beautiful, but they are talented.

"Heh, dare to come up with this qualification? Are you really confident in yourself?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said lightly.

Suddenly, everyone looked angry, even if they heard a lot of Luo Xiaoman's legendary deeds, but they were only hearsay, it is inevitable that there will be elements of deliberate deification.

"Lan Xi, that is, your Sect Master." Luo Xiaoman's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly. "The blue aptitude, before was a pill formation stage, within a day, the transformation stage."

"Hu Yanxiu, one of our disciples, who used to be in the Nascent Soul Stage, but now has a vacancy period, less than three months before and after."

"Zhi Wu, also one of my disciples, used to be the King of Shura during the Dan formation period."

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, glanced mockingly at these jealous disciples, and said, "What do you compare to them?"

For a while, everyone was silent!

Lan Xi, Hu Yanxiu is okay, they can compare each other, and as a result, they will directly move Zhiwu out later, which is simply a king bomb.

King Shura, the king of a race, is beyond imagination. Compared with the other party, they are not comparable at all.

Lan Xi's mouth twitched, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, Xiaoman, your disagreement from up and down seemed a bit heavier!

Although their strength has improved very quickly, they also got a great opportunity to have such an improvement. In fact, they are not much better than Li Min.

It's just that everyone's opportunity is also a kind of strength. As long as you have enough opportunities, you can soar into the sky, and it is possible to become a legend like Luo Xiaoman.

The other Luo Xuanzong elders all secretly snickered. These guys are really born with calves and are not afraid of tigers, and the little ancestors dared to refute them. They are simply living impatiently.

"Elder Fan, do you think what Xiaoman said will cause a psychological shadow to these little guys?" Ji Yuanxun covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

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