The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1668: Straightforward minor repair

Not long after, Luo Xiaoman flew back to the beach with Kunlun.

The soft sand supported Kunlun and made him step on it curiously. The feeling of ups and downs made him feel very fun!

Luo Xiaoman shook his head with a bitter smile, she really brought a child.

At this time, Lan Xi and the others had been waiting here for a long time, while Zhi Wu stood aside in embarrassment, looking at her grievously.

As for Hu Yanxiu, he was as cool as ever, it is estimated that all the embarrassment has been burdened by Zhi Wu.

"Little Master!" Chi Chi flew over and landed on Luo Xiaoman's shoulders. "Sister has already taught these two little things severely."

"Teacher Xiaoman, we also want to help." Zhi Wu is now ashamed, even if there is a soil worm sitting on the ground, but it is difficult to resist the flames of the red evil. "No matter how bad, I can cheer you up."

Hu Yanxiu squinted at him, really wanting to hide away, this guy's cheek is too thick, dare to say such a reason, are you not afraid of being smashed by Teacher Xiaoman?

"Tutor Xiaoman."

Hu Yanxiu couldn't stand it anymore, so he couldn't help standing up and explaining: "We want more experience, so we followed."

Seeing that Luo Xiaoman didn't respond, he said, "If Xiaoman's tutor is not happy with us, we can go back immediately."

"Xiao Xiu Xiu, why are you so plain and clear?" Zhi Wu widened her eyes, secretly complaining, Xiao Xiu Xiu, you are really not ordinary upright.

If you say that, Teacher Xiaoman must blast them away!

"You can follow along."

Al? !

Zhi Wu was startled slightly, turned his head, and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

This, this promised? !

"Xiao Wu, you should learn from Xiaoxiu, and take care of these useless ones." Luo Xiaoman snapped his fingers, and Da Bai immediately rushed over and lay in front of her.

Luo Xiaoman sat up and said lazily: "You have to experience it, it doesn't matter, but you must explain it to me and make it clear."

"Hey hey!" Zhi Wu's old face flushed and he touched his head awkwardly. "Tutor Xiaoman, you must pay attention next time."

Alas, I didn't expect the straightforwardness of minor repairs to be so effective. I knew I didn't need to spend so much effort. It was a disguise and concealment. It was really troublesome.

"Okay, let's set off now." Luo Xiaoman didn't talk nonsense, as he turned his eyes, he landed on a broken fishing boat. "Xiao Wu, you go and buy this fishing boat, and we will take it to Longji City."


Zhi Wu agreed and ran away.

Longji City is a monitoring point for Qingcang.

Ever since he learned that Luo Xiaoman and Qingcang were mortal enemies, the city lord Yan Yang was frightened, for fear that the Lord Qingcang would blame him.

After all, he had taken in the Luo family before, letting them escape.

Fortunately, this matter has passed for so long, and the Lord Qingcang has not pursued it, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

However, today Longji City will become the location of the Ten Grand Competition, which tightens his nerves again.

"City Lord Yan, the representatives of the major sects are here." At this time, a city guard rushed over and reported the situation.

"Okay, let the deputy city lord quickly arrange it, and be sure to take care of these masters." Yan Yang said with a serious face.


"That's right!" Yan Yang yelled the city guard again and asked: "Where are the people from Luo Xuanzong? Are they here?"

"not yet."

"Okay, go ahead."

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