Yan Yang's eyebrows were solemn, and he was sure to wait for the ten sects, but this Luo Xuanzong was very hung.

Because this Luo Xuanzong and Luo Xiaoman are inextricably linked, this little ancestor is very likely to appear in this ten sect comparison.

Once the little ancestor comes, then the situation of the Ten Great Competition will become very delicate.

"Oh, Longi City is so good, it has not been involved in all kinds of battles, why is it turbulent at this time?" Yan Yang sighed, his face, which was in his prime, seemed to have suffered a lot from this matter.

He wanted to be a waste city lord with the title of inspector, manage the city well, and enjoy his old age, but who knows, at this time, Longji City was involved in such a dispute.

"City Lord, it's not good!"

Just as Yan Yang was sighing, a city guard rushed in again. This bad sound made him shiver suddenly, and he was instantly trapped.

"What happened?"

"As soon as the people of Luo Xuanzong arrived, they clashed with the people of Shizong."

"Oh my God!" Yan Yang patted his forehead, really afraid that he would do whatever he wanted. He just said that Luo Xuanzong hadn't come yet. As a result, not only did he come now, but he also got involved with the ten people.

"Go, let's go and see." He ignored his appearance, and hurriedly walked out. If he doesn't control the scene as soon as possible, who knows if Luo Xiaozong will be a human cannon and razed Longji City to the ground?

Luo Xiaoman and his party, riding in a tattered fishing boat, hurried towards Longji City.

Although the fishing boat was broken, with the help of a gadget of Luo Qinghen, the speed was not at all empty.

This little magic weapon, after attaching it to the stern of the ship, can spray a hot wave of air, which will increase the speed of the ship to the extreme.

If it weren't for being too fast and blasting the ship, Luo Xiaoman would like to mention the speed again.

"Oh!!" Zhi Wu bowed, leaned on the side of the boat, vomiting frantically. Originally, he was not seasick, but at such a fast speed, he still couldn't stand it.

"Tsk tusk, Xiao Wu, you are really useless." Chi Chi fluttered his wings and said mockingly: "Anyway, you are also the King Shura, so you are seasick."

"Sister Chi Chi, you, vomit~~Don't talk coldly, vomit~~" Zhi Wu vomited while staring at Chi Chi, his face was pale, he looked sick and very embarrassed. "If you can't fly, vomit~~you are also dizzy!"

"Cut, it's the same whether Sister can fly or not." As he said, Chi Chi landed on the boat and said with a smug look: "Have you seen it? Sister can... vomit~"

Without finishing this sentence, Chi Chi immediately vomited.

"Hahaha, slapped your face, right? Oh~~"

"Xiao Wu, laugh again, sister~~ vomit, burn you to death!"

"Come on! Oh~~"

"Look at the sister's coming or not! Nah~"

Zhi Wu and Chi Chi went back and forth, even if they were vomiting frantically, they didn't forget to hurt each other.

Suddenly, Zhi Wu still wanted to go over, only to see Hu Yanxiu grabbed him, and then covered his mouth with a handkerchief. "You are seasick, just say a few words!"

Zhi Wu widened his eyes and screamed, but Hu Yanxiu covered his mouth, unable to utter a word or spit it out.

This feeling made his nose and tears pop out.

"Huh?" Hu Yanxiu realized the seriousness of the problem, then quickly took away his hand, and saw Zhi Wu holding on to the boat, throwing up frantically.

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