The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1709: Luo Qingyi's heart knot!

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, I believe Xiaoman will be back soon." Luo Qinghen scratched his head and didn't know how to comfort him, so he said directly: "Daddy and mother rushed to Longji City yesterday. Have you seen Xiaoman?"

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky and fell heavily in front of Luo Qinghen and Chen Muyu, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The two of them were slightly startled, and kept waving their hands to disperse the dust, and then they saw a petite figure standing in front of them.

The red dress is dazzling, the pretty face reveals a touch of cuteness, and those big, dead eyes are even more charming. Who is this not Luo Xiaoman?

"Xiaoman, you are back!" Luo Qinghen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help rushing over, trying to give Luo Xiaoman a bear hug.

However, before he hugged Luo Xiaoman, a figure flew over but blocked him.

"Kunlun, why are you blocking my way?" Luo Qinghen was upset. It was Mo Yuan who blocked him before. Now that the person is no longer there, Kunlun came, what the hell?

Is it so difficult for him to hug his sister?

"do not know."


Kunlun's answer made Luo Qinghen even more speechless. "Then you quickly get up and drive, I want to hug my Xiaoman."

"Don't go!" Kunlun shook his head, looking at Luo Qinghen calmly.

In fact, he didn't know why he wanted to block Luo Qinghen, anyway, his body stood up involuntarily, just not letting Luo Qinghen approach Luo Xiaoman.

"Cough cough!" Luo Xiaoman cleared his throat, resolved each other's embarrassment, and said: "Second brother, look at you, and didn't shave. It is estimated that Xiao Kun will see you sting, so you won't let you approach me.

Luo Qinghen was startled slightly, and raised his hand to touch his stubble. If you have been busy during this time, how can you have time to shave?

However, how does he feel that Kunlun is becoming more and more like Mo Yuan?

"Teacher Xiaoman, please persuade Tsing Yi." At this moment, Chen Muyu rushed over and said, "He doesn't eat or drink anymore, but he wants to starve himself to death."

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, it seemed that the eldest brother still couldn't get out of his knot.

"Xiaoyu, second brother, don't worry, elder brother will be fine soon." She comforted, and then walked to the room.

Looking at Luo Xiaoman's back, Luo Qinghen and Chen Muyu felt relieved inexplicably.

Even though her figure is not tall, she can even be said to be petite, but that kind of invisible reliability is comparable to that of a mountain.

"Big brother!" Luo Xiaoman stood in front of the door and shouted, "Aren't you coming out to see Xiaoman?"

"Xiaoman, are you back?" Luo Qingyi's voice revealed a hint of surprise, and then went dark again. "Little Man, my big brother has no face to see you."

"Big brother, what are you talking about?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said lightly: "Actually, Yuan was taken away, I have to thank you."

Luo Qingyi was startled slightly, completely unexpected that Luo Xiaoman would say that. "Xiaoman, you don't need to comfort me. Mo Yuan will be like this. I blame my lack of alchemy level, and there is no way to perfect the Xuantian Explosive Pill."

"If nothing happens to Mo Yuan, he won't be taken away. I'm all to blame!"

"Big Brother, I didn't comfort you." Luo Xiaoman sighed and said helplessly: "Yuan was taken away. But it was also because of being taken away that gave him a chance to relieve his body. curse."

"In other words, he is not only safe and sound, but he has also recovered his peak strength."

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