
The door was opened!

Luo Qingyi had disheveled hair, his expression was haggard, but his eyes were extremely hot. "Xiaoman, are you serious? No, you must be lying to me, right?"

He couldn't believe it, because all this was so weird!

After Mo Yuan was taken away, not only was he safe and sound, but he also lifted the curse in his body and restored his peak strength, which is incredible.

How can there be such a coincidence? Moreover, the two forces in Mo Yuan's body are in a very delicate balance, and the probability of being able to break this balance and being safe is almost zero!

"Yes! You must have lied to me!" Luo Qingyi swept around and couldn't help but smile miserably when he didn't find Mo Yuan's figure. "If Mo Yuan is really safe and sound, how can he not be there? He has always been inseparable from you."

"Big Brother, this is a bit complicated to say." Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked at Luo Qingyi seriously. "But, I can assure you that Yuan is really okay now. It's just that he has something to deal with in the Demon Realm, and he can't get out of it for a while."

Luo Qingyi was startled slightly, and then looked at Luo Xiaoman deeply. From those big bright eyes, he saw a clear light without a trace of flicker.

"Xiaoman, you really didn't lie to me?" He frowned and confirmed again and again.

"Big brother, don't you understand me?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and sighed: "I don't know how to make such a joke."


Hearing what Luo Xiaoman said, Luo Qingyi exhaled heavily.

There was a flush of flush on his haggard face, as if the depression in his heart was exhaled with this breath.

"Xiaoman, thank you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Qingyi's body softened and fell down.

"Tsing Yi!" Chen Muyu, who had been paying attention to Luo Qingyi, rushed over and helped him.

"Xiaoyu, my eldest brother has been exhausted these days. Now that the depression in his heart is relieved, he will relax." Luo Xiaoman soothed: "As long as he sleeps well, he will be fine."

"Teacher Xiaoman, thank you." Chen Muyu was grateful. Seeing Luo Qingyi's self-blaming guilt these days, she was very sad, but she couldn't do anything.

Now that the knot is unraveled, it is really clear to see the moon and mist!

"Family, don't say thank you." Luo Xiaoman waved his hand, and then said to Luo Qinghen: "Second brother, you are also exhausted these days. If you can, take a rest."

"Xiaoman, I don't dare to rest." Luo Qinghen pursed his lips and hummed: "The Floating City has reached the most critical moment. I must always check it."

"Really?!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up and he asked in surprise: "Second brother, is the floating city going to be born early?"

"Yes!" Luo Qinghen raised his head, patted his chest, and said proudly: "I promised you to finish the floating city before the end of the month. It is done ahead of time, is there a reward?"

"Second brother, you are great!!" Luo Xiaoman walked over, hugged Luo Qinghen, and slammed his face fiercely.

Luo Qingyi stunned suddenly, and then became enraged, flushing on his face!

Even his already exhausted body is full of power in an instant!

"Hahaha, Xiaoman, I can't help it anymore, now I will finish the finishing work of the floating city!"

However, this scene fell in Kunlun's eyes, but inexplicably caused ripples in his heart.

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