"Miss, are you too simple?" Lin Sansheng couldn't laugh or cry, and said depressed: "I thought you would stay in all kinds of ways, and then we were all reluctant to give up. As a result... you just agreed so simply."

For this result, Ling Yan was also confused.

Suddenly, she pursed her mouth and cried. "Little Miss, do you hate us? You want to blast us away?"

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, raised his hand and knocked Ling Yan's forehead, speechless to these two guys. "What are you thinking about? You will come to me and you must have made a decision. Even if I tell you not to leave, will you not leave?"

"Yes!" Lin Sanxing and Ling Yan looked at Luo Xiaoman seriously.

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, then cleared his throat, and said: "Let me put it another way. If I tell you not to leave, will you feel comfortable in your heart?"

Lin Sanxing and Ling Yan glanced at each other, and they both saw the entanglement in each other's eyes.

Luo Xiaoman told them not to leave, they would indeed not leave, but they would definitely be depressed afterwards.

"So, I will just be decisive and let you walk more comfortably."

"Little Miss, you are so kind." Lin Sanshen said with a whimper, "But, why do I hear this weird? Walk more comfortably? Oh, no matter what, anyway, Miss, you are me. Reborn parents!"

"Stop it!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand quickly and said angrily: "You are much older than me. Parents and other things will be avoided."

"Mouse, look at you, how do you talk?" Ling Yan stared at Lin Sansheng, and then said to Luo Xiaoman again: "Miss, don't worry. Even if we leave, our hearts are still in Luo's house. As long as you , And the Luo family needs us, we will all appear as soon as possible."

"Okay, stop the ink." Luo Xiaoman smiled and said: "I'll treat you as if you are out of the distance, there is nothing to worry about. Okay, before I change my attention, get out!"

"Go!" Lin Sansheng pulled Ling Yan and quickly left the Luo family.

Seeing the two of them, gradually disappearing before his eyes, Luo Xiaoman sighed quietly.

"Xiaoman, you are not happy." Kunlun walked over and said lightly: "If they leave you will be unhappy, why do you want them to leave?"

"Xiao Kun, you don't understand."

"Well, I really don't understand. Can you tell me something?"

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Kunlun and saw him looking at himself with a pair of eyes full of curiosity, like a curious baby, he couldn't help but smile wryly, saying: "Mouse, and sister Lingyan are both good in strength and have great potential. . However, if they don’t practice, it’s difficult to make progress."

"A person can only go farther if they are always motivated and have the courage to break through themselves." Her eyelids drooped slightly and said quietly, "If they didn't find this problem, I guess I would remind them. Fortunately, , They realized it and mentioned it to me."

Kunlun frowned, thinking about Luo Xiaoman's words and analyzing the deep meaning of it.

"They will get stronger only when they leave, right?"

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoman nodded.

"I won't leave." Kunlun leaned over, face to face with Luo Xiaoman, and stared at her with hot eyes. "I will always stay by your side and never leave."

Luo Xiaoman was slightly startled, and his mind was a little dazed.

This sentence is so familiar and nostalgic.

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