The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1713: Step on the west, kill the sand king!

The person who said this last time was Yuan. I don't know how he is now? Have you rectified the Devildom? Don't let me wait too long.

Kunlun noticed that the divine light that came out of Luo Xiaoman's blurred eyes did not belong to him, but to someone else. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Why did he talk to Xiaoman, and the person in Xiaoman's eyes was not himself, but someone else?

it's wired!

This feeling is very annoying.

Kunlun was very upset, like a cat's paw in his heart, constantly scratching the tip of his heart.

At the same time, the Demon Realm, which is in line with Hidden Dragon Abyss, is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Thousands of demon soldiers gathered in the former sluggish Demon Palace, and their bodies exuded a powerful force. Waves of demon energy surged, making the world tremble.

Once, their eyes were dim, but now they are full of hot flames!

This is fighting spirit!

And this sense of war was ignited by that long figure in the sky.

This figure is their master, Demon Lord!

Mo Yuan stood in the air, carrying his hands on his back, staring at the thousands of magic soldiers on the ground.

The power emanating from his body shocked the mind of every demon soldier. Under this shock, they were not panicked, only excited.

After a thousand years, their Demon Venerable has finally returned!

That powerful and intimidating power is all the power of Demon Lord!

The evil general next to him watched this scene, and his heart was surging. How long hadn't seen such a scene.

Last time, it was the battle of the fairy demon, the demon master led all the demon soldiers into the misty fairy world.

"Ten kings stand up as kings, cede their own land, consider the overall situation in vain, and put the demon world at a disadvantage." Mo Yuan's ink hair was flying, his clothes were drenched, and the momentum made everyone extremely frightened. "This is a blasphemy against the demon world, and also a contempt for the deity."

"Today, we are here to gather all of you, with only one purpose, to defeat the ten kings."

"Mozun, the power is invincible!!"

For a time, the demons clamored. They are also fed up with the arrogance of the ten kings. If it weren't for the evil generals to deal with them, it is estimated that the entire Demon Realm would be messed up.

Without waiting for the ethereal immortal realm to come over, they themselves have to toss the Devil Realm into a slump.

"Devil, I am waiting to be sent at any time!" The evil general knelt down, clasped his fists, and said respectfully.

"I'm waiting for dispatch at any time!"

As he started, many magic soldiers responded.

Mo Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, then waved his hand violently, saying: "Step on the West Mountain, destroy the Sand King!"

When the voice fell, the demon soldiers screamed, one by one with awe-inspiring killing intent, and the devilish energy soared to the sky. The phantom fierce demon roared fiercely, converging into an apocalyptic image.

Xishan is the land of the Sand King.

Surrounded by mountains, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is the most difficult position to break through among the Ten Kings.

Although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Mo Yuan's first crusade was King Sand. Nothing else, just for Liwei!

"Sand King, it's not good!" A demon soldier hurriedly ran over, "The Demon Lord has returned to the Demon Realm!"

"What!?" King Sha was startled slightly, he and King Yan had just recovered from the fierce demon. How long had it passed before the demon master returned?


Is it the devil who survived?

They originally wanted to summon other kings over here to discuss how to fight against the fierce demons.

As a result, when the news here was just sent out, the Demon Venerable returned?

Could it be that after they left, what happened to the evil demon?

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