The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1714: Their king, here comes!

"Mozun returns to the Demon Realm, what about his current people?" Sand King asked quickly.

"Mozun is leading an army to attack Xishan!"

King Sha's pupils shrank, and he staggered, almost sitting down on the ground.

As a member of the ten kings, with superb strength and lofty status, few things can give him such a strong impact.

However, being rare does not mean there is not!

And Demon Lord is definitely one of the few!

The devil is the gods and the devil surrenders, this is a truth that the devil world cannot tolerate.

It's all because the Demon Lord and the Demon Realm cherish each other, he represents the Demon Realm, and also represents the top of the power!

"Quickly, issue an emergency summoning order to the Ten Kings!!" King Sand gritted his teeth, knowing that the Demon Lord led all the demon soldiers to kill, and he would definitely not come to reason.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to defeat themselves!

In his mind, the fierce and powerful demon venerable that year had emerged!

When things reached this point, even if he begged the demon for mercy, it was no longer realistic. Only by fighting the opponent to the end would he have a chance to live.

"Immediately summon all the demon soldiers in Xishan, open all formations, and guard the position strictly."


Orders were issued, and the whole Xishan became restless.

They are like a big enemy, the old indolence is not there, and replaced by the fear of the coming war.

After all arrangements were made, Sha Wang breathed a sigh of relief, but his inner anxiety became stronger and stronger.

"Don't panic!" He comforted himself. "The Demon Venerable, it's not the previous Demon Venerable. Last time the Shadow King attacked him, but he shot him into the void, this must be a garish!"

From the dictation of the Shadow King, I learned that the power of Demon Lord seemed to be sealed, and there was no way to fully use it. In this way, apart from being supported by the name Demon Venerable, he commanded the demon soldiers of the Demon Palace, there should be no more threats.

"Hehe, I don't know how you escaped from the mouth of the fierce demon. But if you dare to come to my Xishan, I will drive you into the void like the King of Shadow." King Sha squinted his eyes and sneered.

His confidence comes from his confidence in the advantages of Xishan's geographical environment, as well as the news that the other ten kings have learned of the return of the demon, and he will definitely come to support.

When the time comes, their ten kings will work together, and even if the Demon Venerable returns, they will be able to compete with one of them.

"Come on!" Sha Wang's heart was agitated, and he didn't know if it was flustered or excited. "As long as you are killed, our ten kings will be able to truly rule the demon world!!"


At this time, ten miles away from Xishan, Mo Yuan led all the demons stationed here.

The evil general swept a circle of the Xishan environment and layout, his brows frowned. "The Sand King's reaction was really fast, he even opened all the formations, and every key breakthrough was heavily guarded."

He turned his head, glanced at the indifferent Mo Yuan, and said, "Mozun, I am afraid that we have to break through the defenses of Xishan and enter it. I am afraid it will not be easy."

Mo Yuan didn't speak, but slowly flew up.

His voice is not loud, but every magic soldier can hear it clearly. "The devil's realm is controlled by the deity. There is no place the deity cannot go here, only places the deity does not want to go!"

When the voice fell, a tyrannical aura burst out of Mo Yuan's body, and that thick devilish energy turned into endless fierce monsters, constantly roaring, announcing a message to the demons.

Their king, here comes!

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