Perhaps, they can enter the ethereal world of immortality and give the Supreme Immortal's nest.

After all, the Demon Venerable at that time, after a thousand years of retreat, has realized that the highest realm, the strength is definitely stronger than the Supreme Immortal Venerable!

It's a pity that he forcibly left the customs for a woman and was missing for a thousand years.

"Haha." Suddenly, there was a chuckle, which made everyone feel inexplicably tight, and they couldn't help closing their mouths.

They raised their eyes and stared at the awe-inspiring figure in the sky.

"You are just parasites of the Demon Realm, so what right do you have to scream here?" Mo Yuan's ink hair slowly swaggered, and the black cloak on his body, his clothes roared and hunting, that hidden murderous intent had already been stored. Ready to go. "The deity is here, I repeat to you."

"The demon world is controlled by the deity, and everything here is dominated by the deity." He raised his hand and pointed, and his low voice, like a sharp blade, scratched everyone's hearts. "Even if the deity is going to destroy the Demon Realm, it will not be your turn to make trouble!"

The demon soldiers took a breath.

They were all shocked by Mo Yuan's words!

Demon Lord, is going to destroy the Demon Realm? Is this still the devil?

"Xiaolong, crush them!" Mo Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and waved his hand to give Xiaolong an instruction.

Suddenly, the Desolate Ancient Devil Dragon snaked and roared, rushing towards the formation of Xishan.

Boom boom boom!

The ancient devil dragon, known for its domineering power, has a prominent fierce reputation, especially after devouring the black flame dragon soul, its strength has soared.

Not only that, his newly acquired spatial power, coupled with the ability to peer into everything, made these formations extremely fragile.

Under an impact, these seemingly unbreakable formations suddenly shattered and turned into a piece of fluorescence, dissipating between heaven and earth.

"How is it possible!?" Sha Wang's pupils shrank, watching the scene blankly.

Their formation was vulnerable to the impact of the ancient devil dragon, and the dissipated fluorescence seemed to welcome the arrival of the devil.

"Sand King, we can't stand it anymore! The ancient devil dragon is very evil, it seems that a shock can attack the most vulnerable place of the formation."

"Gosh! The first line of defense is broken, and the second line of defense will be broken too!!"

"Sand King, what should we do?"

King Sand came back to his senses, gritted his teeth tightly, and couldn't hold on to his defense.

The only hope now is to wait for the arrival of the ten kings and join hands with him to fight against the devil.

"Attack!!" Sand King shouted violently, his eyes flashing crazy. "We must postpone until the reinforcements of the Ten Kings come over!!"


At this moment, a figure flashed over and stood in front of King Sand.

King Sand's heart tightened, his neck seemed to be pinched, and he couldn't make any sound.

"Do you really think that the strength of the deity hasn't recovered?" Mo Yuan curled his lips, and his eyes revealed a sense of playfulness. "Sorry to disappoint you!"

When the voice fell, a tyrannical might agitated, instantly turning the surrounding magic soldiers into ashes. "The deity now is stronger than before!"

"Devil, Demon Lord..."

With a bang!

King Sand was blown out by Mo Yuan.

"All the demon soldiers obey the order, give me a step on Xishan!"

Following Mo Yuan's order, the many demon soldiers who had been waiting for a long time reacted immediately, and launched a massive attack towards the demon soldiers in Xishan.

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