"For the devil!!" The evil general yelled, and then took the lead and directly entered the opponent's camp.

Mo Yuan ignored the battle between the two sides. Under the guidance of Xiaolong and the evil general, any resistance by Xishan was futile.


King Sand shouted violently and flew out of the gravel.

"I'm fighting with you!!" He roared, wielding a pair of copper hammers, and he slayed violently.

Mo Yuan curled the corners of his lips, gently turned sideways and dodged, followed by another punch, sending King Sand away.

Sand King's offensive is domineering, but no matter how domineering he is, he can't touch Mo Yuan at all, which makes him irritable.

The most hateful thing was that Mo Yuan was completely playing tricks, not taking himself seriously.

Is he so weak in his eyes?

"Shangyou!!" The Sand King shouted, calling his guardian spirit beast over.

Suddenly, Shang You's tail swept across, sweeping towards Mo Yuan. Although this sweep came so fast that only a black shadow could be seen, Mo Yuan escaped easily.

"Sand King, are you so capable?" Mo Yuan shook his head and said lightly, "This is not even enough for the deity to warm up."

"I'm going to your uncle!!" Sand King threw a violent copper hammer over.

This copper hammer contained domineering power. The moment it flew, it was divided into five copper hammers and attacked strongly.

Mo Yuan squinted at the five copper hammers, his eyes were indifferent, and he still didn't put this killer move in his eyes.

"Really, very boring!"

He raised his hand, and pointed a finger on a copper hammer.

Suddenly, all the other copper hammers disappeared, but the flaw of this ultimate move was seen at a glance!

"Sand King, do you know where your biggest problem is?" Mo Yuan said while avoiding and attacking the sorrowful attacks, "You have a problem, it's reckless! Just like your two copper hammers, just understand Go in, don't know how to retreat."

"Slow special nonsense!!" Sand King copied two copper hammers and killed them again. "My two copper hammers, no one can stop!"

Mo Yuan sneered, then didn't avoid it, and raised his hand to meet the two bronze hammers of King Sand.

"Looking for death!!" Seeing that Mo Yuan was so afraid of death, King Sha directly greeted him, as if hitting a gun. "Sky Breaking Hammer!!"


The two copper hammers exploded with power, and the vigor that came out shattered the surrounding ground.

However, for Shang Mo Yuan, it only moved his clothes.

With a bang!

The two copper hammers were blocked.

King Sand's pupils shrank, and he looked at Mo Yuan in shock.

He actually blocked his Sky Breaking Hammer so easily, this is a killer move that can even shatter the void, but now it is blocked by his two hands.

"Sorry, no one can stop you, now let the deity stop it." Mo Yuan curled the corner of his lips and smiled lightly: "So, your recklessness is destined to become your fatal weakness."

As the words fell, his eyes stunned, and a burst of magic power broke out into the two Tongling mausoleums.


A counter-shock force struck, causing Sand King to spit out blood and fly out.

Immediately afterwards, he watched his two copper hammers, which broke little by little in Mo Yuan's hands, and fell to the ground.

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