"Do not!!!"

King Sha's eyes widened and roared angrily. How many suns and moons this pair of copper hammers had accompanied him, but now it was crushed by Mo Yuan!

"I killed you!!" He violently attacked Mo Yuan again.

He was just like what Mo Yuan said, like a reckless cow, only knowing how to attack, but not retreating.

"That's it!" Mo Yuan sighed, looking at the rushing Sand King indifferently, a sharp killing intent flashed in his eyes.

However, just as he raised his hand, the sand king who rushed over laughed. "You got it!!"


Mo Yuan was startled slightly, and saw the copper hammer fragments scattered around, all of them flying up.

These fragments flickered, forming a cage instantly, binding him.

"My recklessness is indeed my weakness. But..." King Sha whirled around and put one hand on the cage, sending his power in, so that the cage had enough strength to trap Mo Yuan. "That's just the past."

Mo Yuan narrowed his eyes and stared at King Sand. "It seems that you have made a lot of progress while the deity was away."

"Hmph, if I didn't grow up, would I dare to yell at you here?" King Sand curled his lips and said mockingly: "After all, you are the devil who created our ten kings!"


The cage buzzed for a while, and there were murderous intents in it, and golden lights gleamed out, frantically attacking Mo Yuan.

"Devil Venerable!!" The evil general glanced over and saw that Mo Yuan was trapped in a cage and plunged into a dangerous place, he couldn't help rushing over.

However, more demon soldiers surrounded him and entangled him again.

"Hahahaha, you really are a fancy!" Sha Wang laughed wildly, happy for his resourcefulness. "Now, you turn me into a pile of rotten meat."

His eyes stunned, and he desperately sent his strength into the cage, strangling Mo Yuan inside.

Not only that, when Mo Yuan becomes a pile of rotten flesh, he can refine the power of the demon lord and take it as his own?

Puff puff puff!

There was a muffled sound, and I saw Mo Yuan in the cage, scratched by the golden light, blood spattered, and the scene was very cruel.

However, in the eyes of King Sand, this is the most beautiful picture!

What picture is there, it is more beautiful to be able to die tragically with the devil in his hands? !

"From now on, I will be the master of the Demon World!!" King Sand exclaimed excitedly, as if after killing Demon Lord, his strength was enough to surpass the other ten kings.

"Sand King, do you think too much?" At this moment, a figure flew over, stood in front of Sand King, and said coldly: "You didn't put us in your eyes."

"The King of Hades?!" King Sha was startled slightly, looking at this enchanting figure in surprise, "Are you all here?"

"Not bad!"

For a moment, a group of figures flew over and stood in front of King Sand.

When these figures appeared, all the demons were stunned and couldn't help taking a breath.

This is the Ten Kings of the Devil!

They are finally here!

Hades, Sand King, Shadow King, Blood King, Qin King, Moro King, Yin King, Yang King, White Jade King, Spirit King, are the ten kings of the devil world, and are the characters second only to the evil generals of the blood emperor.

However, when the Demon Lord disappeared, the dragons of the Demon Realm had no head, and the Blood Emperor fell unexpectedly, there was only one evil general left but could not restrain their ten kings.

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