Under such a situation, the ten kings split up, cede the land as kings, and divided the demon world into ten parts to rule together.

Now that the Demon Lord returns, they must get rid of the Ten Kings and unify the Demon Realm. They have to join forces again to fight the Demon Lord.

It's a pity that the original ten kings have already fallen, and only nine kings remain.

Despite the loss of strength, they believe that even the Nine Kings can also fight against Demon Lord!

"Hehe, the timing of your coming is really coincidental." Sha Wang squinted his eyes, staring coldly at the eight kings, and said solemnly: "However, I think you can go back, and I can fight the devil alone! !"

"Sand King, you want to refine the Demon Lord and take the power of the Demon Lord as your own, right?" Yan Wang shook his waist and walked out, with a fierce look on his cold face. "Did you forget how the Shadow King died tragically before?"

"Hmph, he was so stupid that he used the Demon Devouring Soul Array, and he was taken back by himself." Sha Wang curled his lips and said disdainfully.

At the same time, he glanced at Mo Yuan in the cage again, as if he had been tortured by Jin Mang and was about to die.

At that time, he will be able to absorb the power of Demon Lord!

For this reason, he really didn't want to take this gift to the door.

"Everyone, it seems that King Sand wants to monopolize the power of Demon Lord." King Yan shook his head and said, "I suggest that the ten kings only leave the eight kings."

For a moment, the other kings looked at each other, as if they had no opinion on this proposal.

"What do you want to do?" Sand King's pupils shrank and exclaimed: "Don't forget, this is Xishan, it is my territory."

"So what?" The king curled his lips and smiled charmingly. "It's easy for us eight kings to step on your west hill."

"Come on, stop them for me!!" Sha Wang's heart trembled, and he quickly shouted.

Suddenly, the demon soldiers who had fought with the evil to kill them immediately split up and attacked the Eight Kings.

"Sand King, you really don't know good or bad." Yan Wang curled his lips, then waved his hand suddenly, and said: "Your emergency call order, but let us make enough preparations."

Immediately, the eight kings issued an instruction.

Immediately afterwards, countless demon soldiers surged from all directions like a tide.

These are the elite of the Eight Kings!

Seeing this scene, Sha Wang's heart was cold, he shouldn't have issued an emergency summoning order, and instead he was pitted now.

Originally thought that the strength of Demon Lord would be very strong, with his strength alone, there was no way to fight.

But who knows, Demon Venerable is really a garish, and the momentum is good, but it is simply vulnerable.

"It must be blocked by me!" Sand King gritted his teeth and decided to go all out, and then desperately urged the magic power in his body to decompose the Mo Yuan in the cage into the most primitive power of the demon, and then swallow it .

Once the power of the Demon Lord is consumed, the Eight Kings will not be the Eight Kings, but the Eight Kings who let themselves be killed!

"Stop him!" The Yan Wang saw through Sha Wang's thoughts, and then his figure moved and hurriedly attacked.

However, Xishan's demon soldiers surrounded her desperately, even using their own lives to stop her.

They all know that the situation in Xishan is very serious now, and there are only two results, either the Sand King swallows the power of the Demon Lord and turns the tide, or the Eight Kings will join hands to wipe out.

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