
With a roar, the fourth formation of Qinhuai City was perfectly laid.

Many city residents have witnessed this scene, and their hearts are excited. It will not be long before the foundations of all six formations in Qinhuai City will be laid. The floating city will rise from this ground and become the only one in the history of the human world. A city that can fly away.

"Tsk tsk, the little master is really likable." Ji Wuya sat on the second floor of a tavern, watching the cheers in front of him, and couldn't help feeling deeply.

He raised the chicken leg in his hand, took a bite, and took another sip of wine, feeling too timid.

"Elder Ji, you are right! Princess Xiaoman, it's really likable." It was a city guard named Xu Ming who was at the same table with Ji Wuya.

"You like it, don't fall in love with the little master." Ji Wuya hooked the corner of his lips, jokingly. "Otherwise, my senior brother will kill you."

"Haha, how dare I?" Xu Ming shook his head quickly, laughing and crying: "Princess Xiaoman, for us mortals, she is a goddess who can only look far away and can't desecrate, so how can she stir up bad ideas?"

Ji Wuya took another bite of the chicken leg. By the way, he hadn't seen the big brother for a long time, and when he thought of the big brother's roasted chicken legs, the chicken legs in his hand were not fragrant.

"Oh!" He sighed faintly, then dropped the chicken drumsticks back on the plate, just filling the wine.

Seeing Ji Wuya's face suddenly changed, Xu Ming couldn't help but tentatively asked: "Elder Ji, do you think of anything unpleasant? If you can, Xu can share your worries for you."

"Xiao Xu, you don't understand." Ji Wuya sighed, and said helplessly: "No one can solve this problem except for the big brother."

Xu Ming's two thick eyebrows lightly raised, and his heart was dark. It seems that Elder Ji has a soft spot for Young Master Mo Yuan.

If Princess Xiaoman knew that he had a soft spot for Master Mo Yuan, it would be difficult to handle it, right? No wonder Elder Ji is so melancholy, after all, the person that Master Mo Yuan likes is Princess Xiaoman, he can only be unrequited love.

Ji Wuya couldn't imagine, his long sigh made Xu Ming's dream come together.

To blame, he has a beautiful face that makes women jealous, and makes people doubt his sexual orientation unconsciously.

Ji Wuya took a sip of wine and drank it. Xu Ming's eyes looked like a lover who was troubled by unrequited love.

But in fact, in his own mind, he recalled Mo Yuan's roasted chicken legs.

"Elder Ji, I heard that Princess Xiaoman ran to the ghost road recently?" Xu Ming poured himself a glass of wine and asked casually.

"Yeah! I guess these ghosts are going to cry." Ji Wuya imagined the ghosts being tossed by the little master to suspect ghosts, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Also, Brother Mouse and Ling Yan have left Qinhuai City?"

"Well, now the situation in Qinhuai City is set, they will go to experience it." Ji Wuya frowned. Now everyone is cultivating, will he be too comfortable?

Well, it seems that he has to work harder and practice hard. Ji Wuya thought, and took another bite of the chicken leg.

"Official man, please, let us go." At this moment, a noisy voice came over, interrupting the two of them.

"What's the situation?" Ji Wuya glanced downstairs, only to see a citizen kneeling on the ground, begging a city guard for mercy.

Suddenly, he glanced at Xu Ming in front of him, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

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