"Elder Ji, maybe there is an internal cause, let's take a look first." Xu Ming smiled awkwardly. Now Qinhuai City is a whole, and such disharmony is never allowed.

"Huh, in order to build a floating city, the resources in the city are in short supply, everyone has the obligation to do their part." The city guard said with a cold face, without doubt, "You, as a member of Qinhuai City, are the future. The beneficiaries of the floating city should contribute their strength."

"But, we have no money or strength anymore." The city citizen cried, "In order to support the floating city, our family has sold all the valuable things, and the eldest son has joined the team to build the city defense. , We really can’t take out more things.”

Everyone talked a lot, and they had indeed collected a lot of resources during this period.

Although there was some unwillingness in his heart, for the floating city, he gritted his teeth and contributed resources.

However, it seems that the resources invested in the creation of the floating city are far from enough, and the royal family has to expropriate the city residents, which undoubtedly puts huge pressure on their survival.

The floating city is a shelter, but now it threatens their survival. Isn’t it turning the cart before the horse?

"Hmph, if you can't take it out, then try to take it out. We were ordered to take it out this time. If we dare to refuse, it would be treason and should be expelled from Qinhuai City."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

"Master Chengwei, are you too much? We are a member of Qinhuai City, and we will naturally contribute to the building of a floating city. However, we really can't get more resources, nor can we force us. ?"

"Yes! Don't we have to contribute our lives for the floating city?"

"Hmph, if this is the case, then the floating city is not our ideal country, but a purgatory!!"

Following the discussion of the people, public opinion poured out to the city people, constantly condemning the forcible expropriation of these city guards.


The city guard raised his hand and slapped the city citizen severely.

Suddenly, everyone was so frightened that they closed their mouths, and looked at the demon-struck Chengwei with horror.

"It's against you!!" Cheng Wei squinted his eyes and swept the city people coldly. "Since you are not willing to cooperate, get out of Qinhuai City for me. You are not worthy to enjoy the shelter of the floating city!!"

"It's disgusting!!"

"We gave everything for Qinhuai City, but now you are going to drive us away? You are simply beasts, not even as good as Hongnan Kingdom!!"

"Take it for me and blast out of Qinhuai City!!"

Following the order from the city guards, many city guards rushed over and were about to act on the city residents.

The city residents were also angered and resisted.


At this moment, a loud shout exploded, and everyone's minds couldn't help but shake slightly, and saw a figure flying down from the sky, crossing between them.

"It's Elder Ji!!"

The crowd could not help exclaiming when they saw the incoming person clearly.

"Elder Ji, you come to judge! Their city guards forcibly levied resources from us, we really can't get them out, and they have to drive us out of Qinhuai City."

The city people filed complaints to Ji Wuya one after another. They believed that Princess Xiaoman's second apprentice would definitely give themselves a fair explanation.

Ji Wuya frowned and swept the crowd suspiciously.

Qinhuai City has always been harmonious before. Why is this happening today?

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