"Elder Ji, you also know how huge the resources the Floating City needs are. If everyone doesn't contribute a bit, the Floating City won't be completed at all." Seeing Ji Wuya come out, the city guard was not scared. , Yizheng said: "We are just driving some parasites out of Qinhuai City."

Ji Wuya frowned. Cheng Wei was telling the truth. Even with the support of Luo Family, Ye Family, Huyan Family, Lingbao Pavilion, and Bai Qi Lou, it was a bit stretched.

After all, the floating city is an unprecedented feat, and the resources needed in it are too huge.

Although Luo Qinghen's refining power is very strong, he has no resources and no way to refine it!

"Heh, don't forget, Elder Ji is the master of His Royal Highness, how can he help us?" Suddenly, a discordant voice came, splashing dirty water on Ji Wuya.

The corners of Ji Wuya's mouth twitched. He just wanted to refute, only to find that his current position made him wonder how to deal with it.

"Absurd!" At this moment, Xu Ming walked over, raised his hand and slapped the city guard. "Everyone in Qinhuai City is our family. No matter how difficult it is to build a floating city, we should not vent our own family members."

"City guards!!!" Many city guards stared at Xu Ming with amazement. "I, we were ordered to act."

"According to orders?" Xu Ming squinted his eyes and sneered: "Then you are telling me, by whose order? Why didn't my city guard receive the news? I now suspect that you are abusing your power and exploiting us. Citizens, our family!"

When everyone heard Xu Ming's words, they were very excited.

"City guard, you must give us an explanation! They are too bullying!"

"Yes! They not only have a bad attitude, they also beat people!!"

"I don't think such a person is qualified to be the guard of Qinhuai City!"

When Ji Wuya saw this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xu Ming was here, otherwise the situation would be difficult to control!

After all, Qinhuai City is now at a critical moment, and any turbulence will cause unimaginable trouble.

"City guard, we were wrong!!" Cheng Wei knelt down with a plop. "Please forgive us, I, we only do this for a while."

This sentence reveals that these city guards have indeed abused their power to squeeze the city residents. Had it not been for Xu Ming's appearance, it is estimated that they would still be arrogant.

Ji Wuya's identity is special, but he can't manage this matter.

If it were before, Ji Wuya's character would have already kicked these city guards, but now the situation is different.

He is Zhu Ying's master and Luo Xiaoman's disciple, and Luo Xiaoman is the emperor's goddaughter. The relationship here is not easy to handle.


At this time, Xu Ming drew out his saber, a sharp sword with cold light, shocking everyone living in the room.

"You are in important positions, but you don't do a good job of contributing to Qinhuai City. Instead, you squeeze the city's citizens. The crime should be punished." Xu Ming squinted his eyes, and a cold killing intent appeared in his eyes. "Now, I will execute you in public in order to behave like you!"

"City Guard, you, you can't do this, actually..."

"shut up!"

When the voice fell, Xu Ming's long sword slashed down.

Hurry up!

Ji Wuya shot!

He flicked Xu Ming's long sword, and said solemnly: "City guard, I believe they have realized their mistakes, there is no need to kill them?"

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