The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1727: The show has just begun!

Seeing Ji Wuya's face in disbelief, Zitong curled his lips, feeling clear.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to think that before the Floating City plan is released, someone will make arrangements for it.

"Elder Ji, if you didn't stop Xu Ming at that time, you would definitely arouse dissatisfaction with the city guards. At that time, the city guards will have a misaligned army. What do you think will happen?"

"The military-civilian confrontation in Qinhuai City!" Ji Wuya's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help exclaiming when he thought of the risks.


Looking at Zitong's appreciative smile, Ji Wuya's heart was dark, if it weren't for her reminder, she really didn't expect this.

He couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he listened to Zitong's reminder at the time and stopped Xu Ming in time. Otherwise, the death of the city guard would be trivial, but the turmoil that followed might put Qinhuai City in crisis.

The current Qinhuai City is about to transform into a floating city. It is in a sensitive period, and any mistakes will be fatal.

"Is this really a game set up before the Floating City Plan?" Ji Wuya was solemn, and even though Zitong had pointed it out, it was still somewhat unacceptable.

"Elder Ji, although it is difficult for you to believe that the other party can do this step, judging from the current clues, this is the fact." Zitong's eyes are very bright and clear, as if they can see everything, just like she and Luo Xiaoman back then. During the confrontation, she almost figured out her layout and psychology.

Luo Xiaoman once said that if she hadn't mastered the Imprint of Divine Mind, otherwise in those games, it would be herself who would lose!

"Okay." Ji Wuya breathed a sigh of relief, giving up the entanglement! He has always worried about this kind of brainstorming and troublesome things, and he has quite some experience in eating, but it seems to be useless.

"Zitong, fortunately, you remind you in time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Zitong shook his head, the corner of his lips twitched, and said, "Elder Ji, the show has just begun."

"Huh?" Ji Wuya was dumbfounded.

Looking at the playful smile on the corner of Zitong's lips, he seemed to see the shadow of the little master.

If the little master is a little fox, then she is a big fox!

"Elder Ji, let's go to the palace now." Zitong stepped up, past the stupefied Ji Wuya, and said lightly: "It is estimated that the emperor is having a headache now."



Royal Palace, Royal Study Room.

Zhu Ying is discussing some details about the floating city with Zhu Yingtian.

"The emperor!" At this moment, an **** looked anxious, and hurriedly walked to the door of the Yushufang. "The minion has something important to tell!"

Zhu Yingtian and Zhu Ying looked at each other and then announced the **** in.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yingtian sat on the dragon chair, frowning, looking at the **** suspiciously.

"Xu Chengwei came to report that there is a group of people making troubles in the city. He doesn't know what to do, so he specifically came to ask the emperor for instructions." The **** said respectfully.

"The people are making trouble?" Zhu Ying was startled slightly, and looked at Zhu Yingtian suspiciously. "Father, the floating city is coming soon, Qinhuai City is united, shouldn't such a thing happen? There must be something strange in it."

Zhu Yingtian nodded, thought for a moment, and said: "Summon Xu Chengwei, I need to know the details!"

"Yes, the subordinates will call Xu Chengwei here!" The **** hurried out.

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