Soon, Xu Ming was brought over.

"See the emperor, long live the emperor!" Xu Ming respectfully saluted as soon as he entered.

"Flat body!" Zhu Yingtian raised his hand, looked at Xu Ming's gaze, revealed a trace of doubt, and said: "Xu Chengwei, the people in the city are making trouble, what's the matter?"

"Back to the emperor, in fact, this time the people's disturbance is mainly the responsibility of our city guards!" Xu Ming said with a look of shame, bowing his head.

Next, he gave a general overview of what happened.

After hearing Xu Ming's account, Zhu Yingtian's eyebrows were tightly furrowed. He did not expect that the City Guard would do such a thing and collect resources without authorization. No wonder it would arouse public anger.

"Xu Chengwei, you also know that the floating city is about to be launched, and no flaws will be allowed." Zhu Yingtian squinted his eyes, his eyes glowing like electricity, and said in a deep voice: "Since the city guard has such scum, then Catch them out and give the people an explanation."

"As for what to do, I believe you know it clearly!"

"The emperor, in fact..." Xu Ming hesitated to speak.


"Actually, I had decided to kill a hundred people and give the people an explanation. However, Elder Ji took action to stop it, which led to the current situation."

"Master?!" Zhu Ying was startled slightly, as if unexpectedly unexpectedly, she became involved with Ji Wuya. Based on his knowledge of his master, he doesn't seem to be a person who knows right from wrong.

"At that time, Elder Ji strongly opposed his subordinates to punish those dregs." Xu Ming glanced at Zhu Ying and said, "Considering his status, the subordinates did not dare to say anything, so they had to go along. His intention."

"It seems that Elder Ji is also confused." Zhu Yingtian sighed and said coldly: "Now is the most critical moment, kindness will only be bad."

"Father, do you think there is something hidden in this?" Zhu Ying frowned, and said: "Although the master is not a nosy person, he is generally measured. It's impossible not to know the benefits. "

"Emperor, let's not talk about Elder Ji's thoughts for now. We must deal with this public outrage as soon as possible." Zhu Yingtian looked at Xu Ming and said: "Xu Chengwei, you should immediately arrest those city guards and give The people explain."



Without waiting for Xu Ming to leave, Ji Wuya and Zitong came to the Imperial Study Room together.

"Master, why are you here?" Zhu Ying's eyes lit up and exclaimed. At the same time, he also noticed that beside Ji Wuya, there was an invisible man wearing a cloak.

However, it can be seen from the figure that this is a woman.

"Elder Ji, do you want to stop Xu Chengwei from punishing those dregs?" Zhu Yingtian stared at Ji Wuya with a calm expression. "If I don't give the people an explanation, I'm afraid that Qinhuai City will fall into chaos. Once Qinhuai City is in chaos, the plan of a floating city will be difficult to continue."

"The emperor, I did come to stop Xu Chengwei from punishing those dregs. However, I only delayed three days." Ji Wuya glanced at Zitong next to him, then walked out, and said neither humble nor arrogant.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Yingtian tilted his head slightly and looked at Ji Wuya with a puzzled look.

"After three days, I won't say a word about how to deal with those city guards. However, if I do it now, I will definitely stop it!!"

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