The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1738: 1738 Xu Chengwei escaped

"His Royal Highness, I think we should arrest those city guards, deal with them in public, and give the people an explanation." Lieutenant General Liu came over and said solemnly, "Within three days, pick out the inner ghost. It’s too hard! Instead of trusting someone who doesn’t know the depth, it’s better to trust your own judgment."

"Lieutenant General Liu, you have said a lot." Zhu Ying squinted and said coldly: "As a soldier, you only need to execute orders."

"It's the end general who has surpassed!" Lieutenant General Liu bowed his head and said respectfully.

"His Royal Highness!" At this moment, a Chengwei rushed over and said: "Xu Chengwei just ran away!"

"What?!" Zhu Ying's pupils shrank, and hurriedly shouted: "If the order goes on, you must get Xu Chengwei back!"


"His Royal Highness, could it be that Xu Chengwei..." Lieutenant General Liu frowned and looked at Zhu Ying suspiciously.

"Lieutenant General Liu, Brother Huang, and Xu Ming are the key to breaking the game. He has important clues and can uncover all the ghosts in Qinhuai City. Please be sure to bring them back!"


Suddenly, Zhu Changsheng and Vice-General Liu left one after another.

Zhu Ying pondered for a while, then took out a jade charm and gently crushed it.

When the jade symbol was crushed, Zitong, who was dining in the restaurant, also received a message.

She hooked the corners of her lips, picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of meat, and put it in her mouth.

Although her body does not need to eat, even if she eats, she can't taste any taste, but this is a ritual for her to live in this world.

Zitong just sat there, eating vegetables and drinking wine, listening to the conversations of diners around him.

"Hey, Qinhuai City is going to be messy."

"How to say?"

"Because the imperial court disregarded people's sentiments and protected several city guards who committed crimes. It is estimated that they are about to take control of the floating city, thinking that they can be superior to everyone."

"No? We have experienced the danger of destroying the city several times. The court can't be so frantic!"

"Tsk tusk, don't you understand? They are royal families, and we are just common people. It is just to win the hearts of the people."

"When their foundation is stable, they will be able to get rid of the grind and kill the donkey!"

As the diners said so, the other diners also began to doubt.

Zitong hooked his lips, put down his chopsticks, put a silver coin on the table, got up and left the restaurant.

She knows very well that all common advances and retreats, and sharing weal and woe, are based on equality. Once one party has doubts about each other's status, the balance within will be broken.

Had it not been for the belief in Luo Xiaoman, this balance in Qinhuai City would have been broken long ago, and the other party had taken advantage of this, and it would have played a big role.

"The opponent this time is a bit capable." Zitong muttered to himself while standing at the door of the restaurant, with a pair of eyes flashing with excitement.

Like Luo Xiaoman, she likes to challenge, especially when encountering such a thoughtful opponent, she can ignite the fire in her heart.

"Hahaha, you are here!" Suddenly, a hearty voice sounded, but Luo Qinghen was seen flying over and blocking Zitong.

Zitong was startled slightly, and quickly hung his head, feeling flustered inexplicably.

Why did she bump into this guy again?

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