The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1739: 1739 brother, don't be shy!

"I'll invite you to dinner!" Luo Qinghen walked over, holding Zitong's shoulders in a gesture.

"Sorry, I have eaten!"

Zitong turned sideways, avoided the big pig's hoof, lowered his head, and crossed Luo Qingshen.

"Oh, don't be shy!" Luo Qinghen rushed forward and scratched his head awkwardly. He was determined to invite Zitong to dinner.

I don't know why, he always felt that the man in the cloak in front of him was very familiar, and he couldn't say it for a while. Perhaps this was sympathy?

Zitong glanced at Luo Qinghen from the corner of his eye. This guy had a stubble face and two panda eyes. He should have not closed his eyes for a few days. It looked sloppy, and the only clean face was that. A heartless smile.

This smile is pure and very contagious.

In order to protect Luo Xiaoman, Luo Qinghen embarked on the road of refining tools.

His purpose is only one, and that is to refine a variety of powerful magic weapons so that Luo Xiaoman can have the capital to save his life.

It was such a pure idea that made him come today.

He is so pure, worthy of being acquainted with, but she doesn't want to, and doesn't dare to have any relationship with this guy.

As soon as Zitong's figure moved, he ran out.

"Hey, wait!" Luo Qinghen raised his eyebrows and hurriedly chased after him. "You saved my life and Qinhuai City. No matter what, I will invite you to dinner today!"

"You should go back and continue to complete the floating city, instead of wasting time here." Zitong frowned and glanced at Luo Qinghen who was catching up. This guy is really stubborn!

"Don't worry! The Floating City is almost completed, you don't need to keep staring at it all the time." Luo Qinghen smiled and said triumphantly: "I just ran over after I was prepared for everything!"

Feeling helpless, Zitong couldn't help speeding up and flew towards the city wall.

"Hey, do you want to leave the city?" Seeing Zitong's route, Luo Qinghen couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother, don't go out! The outside of Qinhuai City is not peaceful!"

brothers? !

Zitong is dumbfounded!

Is this guy blind? She looks like a boy? Through her figure, others could see that she was a girl, and this Luo Qinghen was seen as a boy. Is this intentional?

Zitong gritted his teeth, too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, and rushed towards the wall again.

Seeing Zitong's speed getting faster and faster, Luo Qinghen couldn't keep up, wondering in his heart, this brother is too shy, right? Isn’t it just a meal?


At this time, Zitong had already arrived at the city gate, and several city guards hurriedly stood up and blocked her way.

"Please show the city order!"

Now Qinhuai City is about to transform into a floating city, not only does not let anyone in, nor anyone out.

Zitong's eyes flickered, and he was about to rush out forcibly.

"You guys get out of the way!!" At this moment, Luo Qinghen rushed over riding a **** dog. "this is my friend!!"

"Luo Er Young Master?!" Seeing Luo Qinghen, the city guards couldn't help but feel a little startled, and then they felt a figure flying past them. At the same time, they jumped over the city wall and rushed out of Qinhuai. city.

"Chasing!!" All the city guards reacted and hurried to catch up.

"Don't chase!" Luo Qinghen said while urging the **** dog to catch up with Zitong, "I will handle all this!"

The guards of the city looked at each other. This is the person in charge of the Floating City. Now that he has spoken, then they don't have much to say?

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