The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1751: Then you can prove it

"Vice-General Liu, I have found traces of Xu Ming!"



Lieutenant General Liu frowned, then stared at the city guard, and said solemnly, "Who else knows about this news?"

"At the moment, it's me, and Deputy General Liu knows." Cheng Wei answered truthfully.

"Okay, block the news, don't startle the snake." Lieutenant General Liu nodded and gave the city guard another instruction. "In addition, don't make any public statements, including His Royal Highness and the others. I'm afraid that other inner ghosts will learn the news through them, which will ruin major events.


After doing all this, Vice-General Liu rushed to Balipo single-handedly without any other people.

Balipo, originally Shilipo, was transformed into Erli and became the current Balipo. The trees here are shaded and it is easy for Tibetans. Xu Ming's ability to escape here as a turning point is understandable.

At this time, Xu Ming carefully shuttled through the woods, for fear of alarming the surrounding monsters and revealing his whereabouts. However, as the saying goes, the more you are afraid of what, the more you come?

When he reached the center of the woods, a figure flew over quickly, blocking his way.

"Vice-General Liu?!" Xu Ming's mind tightened, and he looked at the tall man with a stern look on his face in shock.

"Heh, Xu Ming, you escaped quickly." Lieutenant General Liu stepped up and walked over, with a playful smile on his face. "As the chief of the city guard, you betrayed Qinhuai City. What is your sin?"

"I didn't!" Xu Ming shook his head, and said with a panic: "I didn't betray Qinhuai City!"

"If you haven't betrayed Qinhuai City, why should you run away?" Lieutenant Liu curled his lips and said mockingly: "You are simply doing a guilty conscience!"

"I didn't!" Xu Ming hesitated to speak, and finally could only say these three words.

"Regardless of whether you have it or not, go back with me now!" Lieutenant General Liu's figure moved and attacked Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's mind tightened and he quickly avoided.

However, there is too much difference in the strength between him and Lieutenant General Liu, and they are not opponents at all.

Lieutenant General Liu sprinted and swiftly stopped Xu Ming's stance immediately, and when he met him, he punched him.

With a bang!

Xu Ming raised his hand to resist, and a terrifying force exploded, shaking him out alive.

"Vice General Liu, are you going to kill me?"

"Hmph, I'm the necessary means to prevent you from escaping again!" Lieutenant General Liu stared at Xu Ming and said naturally, "If you can't stand it and die, you deserve it!"

When the words fell, he rushed up again, and blasted Xu Ming's face with another punch.

The power of this punch was amazing, with a sound of breaking through the air, as if Xu Ming could be blown to blood in the next second!


At this moment, a light curtain lit up on Xu Ming's body, blocking the punch.

"Huh?" Lieutenant General Liu frowned, looking at the light curtain with a look of surprise, "You still have this magic weapon on your body, but it makes me more sure that you are a traitor."

"I'm not!" Xu Ming yelled violently, his eyes flashing with anger, staring at Lieutenant Liu. "Even if I die, I will not do anything to betray Qinhuai City!!"

"Oh?" Lieutenant Liu raised his eyebrows and stared at him deeply. "If you are not, then just prove it."

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