The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1752: You are not a traitor

"Proof?" Xu Ming was startled slightly, then smiled bitterly.

He really wants to prove himself, but how can he prove himself in his current situation?

"Didn't you grasp the important clues to find out the inner ghost?" Vice-General Liu spread his palm to Xu Ming and said coldly: "Hand over the clues to prove your innocence."

"Impossible!" Xu Ming shook his head and took a step forward with a very determined attitude. "I can't hand over the clues, unless Princess Xiaoman comes in person."

"Hmph, Princess Xiaoman is not in Qinhuai City right now, you are a lie to justify yourself!" Lieutenant General Liu's expression became cold and contemptuously said: "So, you are a traitor at all!"

"Since you are a traitor, then..."

With a movement of his figure, he rushed up again, took out a spear in his hand and pointed it directly at Xu Ming's heart. "go to hell!"

Xu Ming squeezed his fist and flushed, as if he wanted to tell the truth. However, he knew that it was not the time yet and he had to hold back.

Boom boom boom!

Deputy General Liu and Xu Mingzhan are together.

The two of them went from the ground to the sky, no matter what!

However, Lieutenant Liu's strength is clearly stronger than Xu Ming, such a state, it is inevitable that he deliberately released water.


With a burst of noise, Lieutenant Liu flew back.

But Xu Ming looked at his fist blankly. He actually sent Lieutenant Liu with a punch? How can this be?

"Hehe, Xu Chengwei, your strength is much stronger!" Lieutenant Liu clutched his chest, smiled tragically, and said: "It seems I can't stop you!"

"Vice General Liu, you..."

"Xu Chengwei, I don't care what reason you have, but don't forget that you are a member of Qinhuai City. Please be sure to protect our home." Lieutenant General Liu waved his hand and said lightly: "I believe you, not a traitor. !"

"Lieutenant Liu!" Xu Ming's eyes were red, and his heart was so excited that he almost couldn't help telling Lieutenant Liu the truth.

"Quickly go!!" Lieutenant General Liu yelled and threw a spear abruptly. "His Royal Highness is coming soon!"


The spear plunged into the ground in front of Xu Ming, the tail trembled violently, as if telling Xu Ming that because of his loss, the traitor would be allowed to escape.

"Vice General Liu, I am not a traitor!" Xu Ming glanced at the spear, then walked over and took out a jade charm. "This is a list I compiled, which records every inner ghost who sneaked into Qinhuai City. Now that the inner ghosts are all over the lower and higher levels, I will give this list to Princess Xiaoman."

"What?!" Lieutenant General Liu's pupils shrank, and he looked at Xu Ming in shock. "You recorded every inner ghost who sneaked into Qinhuai City? How is this possible?"

"It sounds really impossible. However, what is inside is indeed the list of inner ghosts." Xu Ming shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "Vice General Liu, I believe you are not inner ghosts, so please help. Shall I forward this list to Princess Xiaoman?"

"But, you can also transfer it to His Royal Highness in person?"

"No way!" Xu Ming said bitterly with a depressed look: "Now, His Royal Highness doubts me. If I hand over this list, I will most likely be classified as maintaining myself, deliberately diverting attention and fabricating it. lie!"

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