Hearing this, Vice General Liu nodded clearly. "I understand!"

He stood up, bowed to Xu Ming with a serious look, and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best to give this list to Princess Xiaoman."

"Vice-General Lao Liu!"

Xu Ming curled the corners of his lips, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then handed the jade charm over.

Lieutenant General Liu squeezed this jade talisman tightly, his heart moved, but he couldn't find out the information inside, he couldn't help but looked at Xu Ming suspiciously.

"Vice-General Liu, in order to prevent others from getting this jade talisman for other purposes, I specially added a seal. No one can open it except Princess Xiaoman!"

"Xu Chengwei, you are very thoughtful!" Lieutenant Liu grinned, raised his hand to pat his shoulder, and then frowned again: "You should leave now, hide from the limelight, and wait until the situation in Qinhuai City stabilizes."

"Well, Lieutenant General Liu, you have worked hard!" Xu Ming clasped his fists and turned to leave.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Liu's eyes sank, and he raised his hand and grabbed the spear from the ground.

Suddenly, he looked at the murderous intent in Xu Ming's eyes and threw the spear over. "Since I can't open this jade talisman, then I will kill you, and no one else will know the existence of this jade talisman!"

The spear was coming fiercely, and the terrifying power caused Xu Ming to turn around quickly and saw the ferocious face of Lieutenant Liu.

"Vice General Liu, you..."

"Xu Chengwei, go well, don't give it away!"

The corners of Lieutenant General Liu's lips rose slightly, as if he had predicted that Xu Ming would die under his spear.

He must not stare at him until death, why would he suddenly do it?


At this time, a sound of metal delivery sounded, and Lieutenant General Liu's spear was blocked by another spear!

"who is it!?"

The voice fell, and Xixi Suosuo's voice sounded around.

Not long after, a group of figures flashed out, surrounding Vice Admiral Liu.

"The Guards?!"

Seeing these people's costumes, wise and powerful, they are the imperial guards.

"His Royal Highness, are you here?"

"Oh, Lieutenant Liu, you disappointed me too much!" At this moment, Zhu Ying walked out slowly, looking at Lieutenant Liu who looked dazed with disappointment. "Unexpectedly, you turned out to be the ghost of Qinhuai City!"

"His Royal Highness, what are you talking about? I don't understand!" Lieutenant General Liu forced a smile and said grimly: "That Xu Ming is a traitor!"

"Now, do you still want to quibble?" Zhu Ying curled her lips and sneered, "Xu Ming, I didn't have any important clues at all. What I said just now is all to fool you."

"..." Lieutenant General Liu's expression was stiff, he didn't know what to say anymore? Or in other words, what he says now will be defined as a traitor!

"Also, this jade talisman is also fake!" Zhu Ying shook her head and said, "It's a bait to get you to the bait! If you don't have a ghost in your heart, you can't find it alone. The reason why you came here alone is for you. Just grab the clues and kill them!"

"Vice-General Liu, I didn't expect you to be a ghost!" Xu Ming sighed and said quietly, "I usually admire you very much!"

Lieutenant General Liu's eyes trembled, and in just a few breaths, he had already connected the situation again.

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