From the very beginning, in order to get him to the bait, Zhu Ying emphasized that Xu Ming had an important clue to the inner ghost.

If he is an inner ghost, he will definitely find a way to grab this clue.

Since it is fishing, then it must be a long line and fish.

For this reason, they asked Xu Ming to pretend to escape, and gave Vice-General Liu a chance to think he could start.

Although they were not sure whether the clues in Xu Ming's hands were true, but adhering to the principle that he would rather kill a hundred mistakes than one person, he decided to take back the clues and kill Xu Ming to make a safe case.

But never expected that this turned out to be an opponent's game!

A game that made him fall into it inexplicably!

"Vice General Liu, I really didn't expect you to be the inner ghost!" Zhu Ying sighed and said helplessly: "You have been with me for a long time. I never thought that the most doubtful Xu Ming is not the inner ghost, but the most worthy. The trusted you are the inner ghost."

"When it comes to this, the identity of my inner ghost is real, right?!" Lieutenant General Liu squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "But, I have a question, what's in it?"

"Don't you know when you open it?" At this moment, Zitong and Luo Qinghen both rushed here.

"Who are you?" Lieutenant General Liu frowned when he saw Zitong, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Could it be that you made this round?"

Zitong shrugged and said nonchalantly: "This game looks very tight, but it actually bluffs an inner ghost like you. If you are not an inner ghost, there is no point at all."

"But, with so many city guards, why did you lock me down?"

"It's not that you are locked in, but there are only a few people who can control the procedures for entering the city and can make people unsuspecting. Once Xu Ming flees with important clues, these inner ghosts who control power will definitely act immediately. ."

"Hahaha, you are great!" Lieutenant General Liu smiled and then released the seal of the jade charm. Suddenly, a message merged into his mind.

"Unexpectedly, you are the inner ghost! Watch me use a small hammer to crush you!"

Seeing this news, Deputy General Liu was stunned. Isn't this Princess Xiaoman?

What a pity, what a mockery of her!

"Vice General Liu, if you still have a little conscience, please tell me, who are the ghosts hidden in Qinhuai City?" Zhu Ying walked over and said solemnly.

"Hahaha, sorry, even if it's dead, I won't tell you!" Lieutenant General Liu suddenly laughed and said: "I believe you, you must not have the clues yet, as long as I don't tell you, you will never know, Qin Huai The city hides those inner ghosts!"

"Lieutenant General Liu, don't force me!!" Zhu Ying clenched his fists and stared at Lieutenant Liu with red eyes. This person who has been with him for a long time and has been doing his best is the biggest traitor!

If he didn't guess wrong, he must have leaked the plan of Floating City. With the power of Vice General Liu, he could indeed achieve this.

"Hahahaha!" Lieutenant General Liu laughed, leaning forward and backward with a smile, as if he had seen a big joke.

"Not good!" At this moment, Xu Ming reacted and exclaimed: "Vice Liu is about to commit suicide!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp cold light flashed across Liu's eyes. Immediately afterwards, an aura burst out from his body, passing everyone's minds.

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