"Hurry up and stop him!!"

Zhu Ying was shocked. Once Vice-General Liu died, there was no way to ask the inner ghost hiding in Qinhuai City from his mouth. Everything had to go back to the original point!

Suddenly, Xu Ming, Zhu Changsheng and others rushed up immediately!

"Calm down!" At this moment, Zitong smiled wantonly and said coldly: "It doesn't matter whether he is dead or not!"


Everyone looked over, looking at her blankly.

Even Lieutenant Liu stopped and looked over in amazement.

"Zitong, are you kidding?" Zhu Ying frowned and said solemnly: "Vice General Liu, but he has the list of ghosts in Qinhuai City!"

"If it was before, I would definitely find a way to prevent him from committing suicide. But now there is no need for this." Zitong folded his arms and looked at Liu who was amazed with interest. "Because, I have found a better way to get the ghost out of the city!!"

"Impossible!" Lieutenant General Liu shook his head and said grimly: "You can't get the other people out!"

"Really?" Zitong's lips twitched, and he leaned lightly on Da Hei's body, and said lazily: "Then you suicide quickly. We are in a hurry!"

Lieutenant Liu's mouth twitched, and his eyes flickered at Zitong.

He didn't believe that this woman could find other people, but her expression was too calm, so calm that he couldn't help but doubt his own judgment!

"Why? I don't want to die anymore?" Zitong raised his eyebrows and looked at Vice-General Liu jokingly. "Actually, as the prince's deputy, you respect your status, so why should you be someone else's running dog?"

Lieutenant Liu glanced at Zhu Ying, his eyes flashed with complicated colors, and he suddenly laughed. "Under the Prince's hand, I can always only be a lieutenant. I, Liu Tao, am ambitious. If I can go further, why not fight for it?"

"Lieutenant General Liu, are you going to betray your prince, Qinhuai City, and the entire Zhu Yan country for the so-called ambition?" Zhu Ying clenched his fists and stared angrily at Lieutenant Liu.

He and Lieutenant General Liu have gone through a lot together, and even when he was seriously injured, Lieutenant General Liu will not leave and guard until the last moment.

Just such a trustworthy person, but now he has become the biggest ghost!

"Hahaha!" Lieutenant General Liu laughed, his eyes flashing crazy. "People live in order to keep moving forward. I have had enough of being your subordinate, and I want to be the overlord of the party too!"

"Bad son!!" Zhu Ying was furious, and rushed towards Lieutenant Liu when she moved. "Since you betrayed the prince, then the prince will kill you himself!"

Seeing Zhu Ying rushing up, Lieutenant Liu pulled back and escaped a punch.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Ying spun around, flew a kick, and swept towards Lieutenant Liu's neck.

Lieutenant Liu turned on his side again and hid again, and the spear in his hand flicked and pointed directly at Zhu Ying's neck.

"Prince!" Seeing this, Zhu Changsheng hurriedly killed him, waving the spear in his hand, and ran into Lieutenant General Liu's spear.

With a bang!

The two spears collided, and a burst of sparks erupted, and the vigor that came out shook each other back several steps.

However, Lieutenant Liu unexpectedly jumped over Zhu Changsheng and raised his hand to pinch Zhu Ying's neck.

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