The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1777: A warning to break through the void!

"Uh, hahaha!" Hu Yan Ruofeng laughed, as if Tong Ming had said his secret.

Tong Ming curled his lips. If he wanted to retreat, he should retreat. In the past few days, except for the integration of the Three Realms and Six Paths, his cultivation has been stagnant!

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the nine light wheels behind Luo Xiaoman merged one after another, and finally turned into a solid, real wheel like a real thing!

"The first floor of the trip!" Everyone exclaimed, and they didn't think that Luo Xiaoman had broken through the repayment period and entered the trip period. This is incredible!

You know, she is only eighteen years old!

The light wheel is a sign of the regaining period, and when the light wheel is transformed into an entity, like a magic weapon, it is the true wheel, which is the sign of the travel period.

The real wheel can be said to be a magic weapon for cultivators to cultivate with life, and it is incomparable to other magic weapons.

"Drink!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, and the battle armor appeared, all covering her body, making it look more majestic, and the aura on her body even more domineering!



At this time, Chi Chi and Da Bai came out, and after a scream, they both recovered their bodies. They separated Luo Xiaoman's left and right, just like the left and right protectors, willing to be the green leaves of his master.

"From now on, no matter who it is, dare to touch my floating city, I will destroy it!"

As Luo Xiaoman's voice fell, she slammed the big hammer, her tyrannical aura condensed on the big hammer like waves.

The big hammer turned into a phantom ring trembles fiercely, as if feeling the master's mood at the moment, and is excited.

"Three styles of breaking the dome, first style, falling marks!!"

When the voice fell, Luo Xiaoman swung a big hammer violently and slammed it towards the sky ahead.

Suddenly, the sledgehammer burst out with overbearing power, shattering the void alive, breaking the barrier between space and space, and falling on the far shore.

At this time, a black crack appeared in the sky above a floating fairy city on the top of the ethereal.

At the moment when many immortals hadn't realized the crisis, a tyrannical force broke out, and a big hammer slammed into the city through the black crack.


A high tower in Xiancheng collapsed suddenly, and the flying debris made many immortals panic.

"what's the situation?!"

"Just now, it seems to be a big hammer!"

"What?! Big hammer?!"

The immortals are inexplicable, the boundary wall of their ethereal summit is very hard, how can such a big space crack appear, and a big hammer has emerged?

"It's Luo Xiaoman!"

At this moment, a figure surrounded by white light walked over, staring at the gradually closing space crack with serious expression. "The floating city is finally born."

"Qing Cang, do you mean that Luo's frivolous reincarnation?" a fairy asked in surprise.

"Not bad!" Qing Cang nodded, and said in a deep voice, "This is a warning she sent to our ethereal immortal world!"

The immortals took a breath.

At the beginning, Luo was frivolous and unbelievable. Even in the face of the gods and buddhas, he resisted until the end.

However, after so many years, not only is she still alive, but her reincarnation is also so strong, and even more powerful, it is incredible!

For a while, their hearts seemed to be cast a shadow.

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