"All the immortals listen to the order!" At this moment, a stern sound echoed all over the world, echoing in the ears of all the immortals. "Prepare for war!"

"It's Xianzun!"

"Human World, is it going to be killed after all?"

"Hmph, we were able to kill them all without leaving, but this time we can do the same!"

The eyes of all the immortals showed a strong killing intent, completely without the bones of the fairy wind, and saw through the world.

On a certain level, in order to become stronger, their immortals will only be more greedy and black-hearted!

The floating city appeared, shocking all directions.

Hongnan Kingdom, Shi Mingguo, Shuiqing Kingdom, Feiyun Kingdom, and Black Scorpion Kingdom all shivered.

Facing the rising floating city, they did not dare to move, for fear that the other party would kill the door, especially the Black Scorpion Nation. Under the instigation of the army master, Xu Ming, they laid out an overall situation that they thought was flawless. , Attempt to destroy Zhu Yanguo.

I never thought that their plan was ruthlessly broken before it started!

Now Qing Cang had already rushed to the ethereal world of immortals, regardless of their life or death, and the Qiang clan's attitude was very clear, not taking any side.

Such an attitude means that their Black Scorpion Nation will suffer Zhu Yanguo's counterattack anytime and anywhere!

With Zhu Yanguo's current strength, it is too simple to sweep the Black Scorpion country!

However, when they were shivering, Zhu Yanguo had never thought of doing anything with them. After all, their opponent was the ethereal world.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman was standing on the nine-story Linglong Tower, looking into the distance.

The current floating city, with auras lingering, is already the place with the strongest aura in the Central Plains, and it is a place where every cultivator wants to come in.

She can even observe that the body of an ordinary person is changing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Even people who were unable to cultivate in the past can begin to cultivate.

In the near future, the floating city will be a behemoth that will awe the world!

As for the attitude of the Qiang clan, she was very clear in her heart that people's eyes were not in the Central Plains, but in the ethereal world.

For this reason, they don't mind Zhu Yanguo taking over his position and becoming the new hegemon of the Central Plains.

Ten days later, she was going to the Central Plains and formally joined the Qiang clan's army.

However, she still can't figure out how emboldened the Qiang family is to challenge the ethereal world?

"Xiaoman!" At this moment, Kunlun flew over and landed beside Luo Xiaoman.

"Xiao Kun, why are you here?" Luo Xiaoman turned around and smiled at Kunlun. Now this guy is equivalent to replacing Mo Yuan's position and has been following by his side.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes darkened when he thought of Mo Yuan. Isn't this guy's speed too slow? Does it take so much time to conquer the Demon Realm with his strength?

"Xiaoman, do you remember when I said I was going to give you a surprise?"


Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, remembering that Kunlun did say that when he went to the Ten Grand Competition, is he going to surprise himself now?

"You close your eyes first?" Kunlun's eyes were very clear, without a trace of impurities, which made Luo Xiaoman close his eyes with peace of mind.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a vigorous aura, gathering in front of her.

what is this? !

Luo Xiaoman was surprised, and at the same time he felt this vigorous aura, he also felt a familiar breath.

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