"little Master!"

Following a familiar call, Luo Xiaoman opened his eyes abruptly, and saw a handsome young man with snot and tears, spread his arms, and rushed towards him.

"I want to die!"

"I go!"

Luo Xiaoman shuddered, kicked the boy out.

"Woo, little master, it's me!" The young man grunted and rolled on the ground several times before finally lying on the ground, tilting his butt, and looking at Luo Xiaoman with a gloomy expression. "I am Xiaoling!"

"Xiaoling?!" Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked at Kunlun next to him with a puzzled expression. "Xiao Kun, this is Xiao Ling?"

"Yeah!" Kunlun tilted his head and said affirmatively: "I absorbed the Phantom Core, which accelerated the recovery of Xiao Ling, and it also grew."

He wondered, isn't Xiao Ling a very important person to Xiao Man? Why is it just a kick when you meet?

Oh, by the way, this is the reason why the beater loves, and the lover beats more!

"Ahem, Xiao Ling, I'm sorry!" After Kunlun's affirmation, Luo Xiaoman smiled awkwardly, and said: "You become like this now, I am not very comfortable."

Xiao Ling pursed his lips and said dejectedly: "Little master, people have finally grown up. It's okay for you, but you still dislike them. Alas, it seems that I should change back to my original appearance."


Luo Xiaoman was stunned slightly, and then when he saw Xiao Ling shaking for a while, he shrank to the original appearance.

With a round face, short body, and a bellyband, he looks like a kid who can just walk.

"Are you satisfied now?" Xiao Ling buttoned his **** and said dullly.

"Hahaha." Luo Xiaoman smiled, concealing his embarrassment. "Xiaoling, you still look like this, cute."

Xiao Ling's small mouth was so wronged that he would be up to the sky, and it was a bit unlucky to climb onto such a master.

However, since this has become a reality, he naturally has to learn to accept it.

"Huh, where's Xiaolong?" Xiaoling slowed down and asked the whereabouts of Xiaolong for the first time. "I slept for so long, where did this guy go to find food?"

Luo Xiaoman's expression darkened, and he sighed: "Xiaolong is in the Demon Realm now, with his father."

"Huh?" Xiao Ling was slightly startled, looking at her with a look of astonishment. "Little master, do you mean that Master Mo Yuan is also in the Demon Realm?"

"Well, I don't know when they will be back."

Suddenly, Xiao Ling frowned, her eyes flashing with strange light.

Luo Xiaoman caught Xiao Ling's strange light and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ling, do you have anything to say?"

"Huh? Yes, no!"

"Is it or not?"

Xiao Ling sighed and said helplessly: "Actually, this shouldn't have been told to you. But now it seems there is no need to hide it."


"Little master, you should know by now, who is the original owner of the magic ring?"

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, then nodded, and said, "I know, it's the demon lord!"

At first, when she got the magic ring, she didn't think about it. Now thinking about it, the magic ring was like a gift to herself by the devil.

The magic ring is the thing of the devil.

In the hands of such a powerful person, how could he be easily lost and fall into his own hands?

She thought that the Demon Lord had lost the phantom ring due to some special reason, and she would get the phantom ring only if her luck was against the sky.

It seems that it is not so!

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