The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1783: Straight man has advanced cancer!

"Ah? Who are you willing?" Luo Qinghen scratched his head and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly, completely unable to comprehend the deep meaning of this sentence.

"Is it daddy or mother? Anyway, I won't be reluctant to give up big brother!"

Luo Qingyi next to him raised his hand and held his forehead, even if he was someone who didn't know the mystery, he could understand the meaning of Xiaoman's words.

It seems that his younger brother also has someone he likes.

It's a pity that this teaser hasn't realized that there is one more person in his heart than his younger brother.

"Big brother, father, mother, do you all know what?" Luo Qinghen blinked, getting more and more circled, and found that the eyes of everyone looking at him were full of ambiguity, that is, he was still blinded. in.

"Oh, second brother, it's very difficult for you to open someone's heart like this." Luo Xiaoman sighed and shook his head, feeling speechless to this second brother.

"Woo, you guys make it clear!" Luo Qinghen was anxious, looking at Luo Xiaoman urgently. However, Luo Xiaoman didn't throw him at all, and looked at Luo Mu Mountain and Xian'er.

"Daddy, mother, you must take care of yourself when your daughter is away."

"You girl! We are the ones who want to ask?" Luo Mu Shan rolled his eyes and said angrily, but his eyes were full of spoiling.

He didn't want Xiaoman to leave his hometown and go to the Central Plains alone.

However, he knew very well that Xiao Man had to go this time, it was related to the future of the floating city.

Since Xiaoman had agreed to the Qiang clan, he wanted to be the general of this immortal army, if he regretted it, it is estimated that the Qiang clan's army would be killed as soon as possible.

Although the strength of the floating city is very strong, the Qiang clan is also the overlord of the Central Plains at any rate, and the accumulated heritage is profound, but the floating city that has just risen cannot resist.

What's more, when the plan of the floating city was revealed to the world, there was no movement from the Qiang clan, which meant that the other party had not put the floating city in their eyes!

"Xiaoman, really can't bring a few people together?" Xian'er frowned, worried: "Others can't, can I always be a mother?"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly: "Mother, do you think you are following, will Daddy follow? If Daddy follows, elder brother, second brother, will they follow? Big brother, second brother, they have all followed, will the rest of the Luo family follow?"

Xian'er was startled slightly, and followed Xiaoman's logic for a while. It seemed that this was really the case? Their Luo family is a whole, if any one catches up, the others will definitely follow.

"Mother, this time is a battle against immortals. It's not an ordinary war." Luo Xiaoman swept the crowd around, and said solemnly: "A war of this kind is not something that ordinary people can participate in."

Everyone is silent!

Xiaoman is right!

Such a level of war is really not something they can intervene.

The opponent is a superior immortal, with superb strength, and it is not comparable to a practitioner in the human world.

You know, their cultivators have always dreamed of being able to ascend and step into the ethereal realm.

Ever thought that today would challenge the Misty Fairy World?

However, they didn't understand why the Qiang clan could be called the Misty Immortal Realm. Isn't it incredible?

In their eyes, this is like hitting a rock with a pebble!

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