"Okay!" Xian'er sighed, raised her hand and gently held Luo Xiaoman's face, and said: "Xiaoman, then you have to be careful, don't be bullied."

"Don't worry." Luo Xiaoman smiled, raising his hand to clap his chest and promised: "Only I bully others, and others can't bully me."

When she said that, everyone laughed.

This little ancestor is really arrogant, but it is such an arrogance that makes them feel at ease!

Kunlun next to him looked over, his eyes gleaming, as if to say that with him, others would never even want to touch half of Xiao Man's hair!


Luo Xiaoman turned his back, patted Chi Chi, and shouted, "Leave the Central Plains!"

"Send Xiaoman princess!!"

Following Zhu Yingtian's shout, everyone shouted to see Luo Xiaoman off.

Their voices resounded through the world and shook everyone's hearts on the ground. It seemed that from this sound, Luo Xiaoman's heavy weight in everyone's heart could be felt.

After a short while, Chi Chi flew out of the floating city like a red light.

However, when she first flew out, she slowed down again and finally stopped.

"Zitong, have you waited for a long time?" Luo Xiaoman sat cross-legged on Chi Chi's back and said with a smile.

The next moment, a figure appeared and stood in front of her.

"Luo Xiaoman, you already knew that I would wait here?" Zitong frowned, looking at the petite person in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"Of course." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and smiled faintly: "Before, I saw a flame in your eyes. Although this flame is volatile, it still burns stubbornly."

Zitong was startled for a while, then he pondered for a while, and said, "You can go to the Central Plains, the floating city, and I will take care of it."

"Hahaha, I'm really relieved with your words." Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, he understood Zitong's heart and found the answer. "Okay, I will continue on the road."

Chi Chi cried, flapped his wings, and flew towards the distance.

Zitong looked at Luo Xiaoman’s distant back, the light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he muttered: "Luo Xiaoman, you are the one who made me die, and you are the one who made me live. You, still Really my nemesis!"

"But..." She turned around and looked at the direction of the floating city. "Your debt is even on your second brother's head."

When he said this, the corners of Zitong's lips rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

Central Plains is the core of the world.

It has the richest resources and the strongest aura, and is a gathering place for the real strong.

When Luo Xiaoman came to the Central Plains Realm, she somewhat understood why the Qiang family didn't put the floating city in their eyes.

The aura here is so rich that it is beyond imagination.

In order to ensure that the aura here does not leak, the Central Plains realm is shrouded by a solid enchantment, and if you want to pass the enchantment, you need to go through layers of verification before you can pass.

The most terrifying thing is that the lowest standard for entering the Central Plains is the stage of transformation!

"Little master, shall we not go in?" Chi Chi became Xiaoniaoyin's appearance, standing on Luo Xiaoman's shoulder, looking at the front gate in doubt.

Luo Xiaoman was sitting on Da Bai's back, eating lollipops while thinking about problems, while Kunlun was like a patron saint, guarding one side.

A petite person, a white-clothed boy, a beast and a bird, such a formation attracted the attention of many people.

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