The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1797: The Secret of the Declaration of War

"I have seen the emperor." Luo Xiaoman also bowed slightly, saluting the Central Plains overlord.

Only Kunlun looked dull and did not respond.

"The emperor, this friend of mine..."

"Hahaha, it's okay!" Qiang Ting waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "I know him, so don't be polite!"

Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Qiang Ting would embarrass Xiao Kun.

However, the Qiang clan's attitude towards Xiao Kun is too casual, right? This is the fourth artifact, with extremely terrifying strength!

At this time, Qiang Ting put down the bait in his hand and walked towards Luo Xiaoman. "I have heard countless stories about you before. Seeing it today is indeed extraordinary."

"The emperor, you're polite." Luo Xiaoman smiled slightly and said neither humble nor humble.

Although Qiang Tinggui was the king of the Central Plains, she had no airs at all, which made her admire very much. It is no wonder that the Qiang clan can be passed on forever.

This kind of demeanor is not what ordinary kings can do!

"There are still three days left, and it will be the time when the Celestial Slayer army is assembled. When that time comes, please take care of Miss Luo."

"The emperor, since I am here, I will naturally do my best."

"That's very good." Qiang Ting nodded, then turned around and said: "However, when Miss Luo arrived at the boundary, it seemed that there was something unpleasant with the eldest prince?"

"The emperor, this matter is over, no need to mention it again." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said lightly.

Qiang Ting raised his eyebrows. If he changed to another person, he would probably sue him again based on his identity, but Luo Xiaoman didn't do this, but rather calmed down. He liked this character very much.

"Well, I won't nag about this anymore." Qiang Ting's expression was solemn, staring deeply at Luo Xiaoman. "Do you think that our Qiang clan declared war on the ethereal immortal realm as a way of hitting the rocks with pebbles? Also, we did this for ourselves?"

Luo Xiaoman was slightly startled, and was confused by his turn.

However, Qiang Ting was right, and she really thought so. The ethereal immortal realm is a world more advanced than the human realm, and the gap in it is like a giant elephant and an ant.

However, the Qiang family completely ignored this gap and wanted to declare war on the ethereal world of immortality.

Even if the three realms and six realms merge now and the power rules of the human realm have risen to a level, it may not be comparable to the ethereal realm of immortality.

"The emperor, do you want to answer my questions?"

"Since you are now the commander of the Celestial Slayer Army, I will naturally let you know the details." Qiang Ting nodded and then walked towards the Imperial Study Room.

Luo Xiaoman pondered for a while, and then followed.

When Kunlun was about to follow, Qiang Wenyi stopped the people.

Kunlun frowned, and Luo Xiaoman was about to speak. "Xiao Kun, you wait outside, I'll be fine soon."

Hearing what she said, Kunlun retreated.

Qiang Wenyi looked at Kunlun with a solemn expression, this guy actually let himself for a moment, as if he had been stared at by a predatory monster.

It is worthy of being the fourth artifact, this kind of power is really not something ordinary people can bear.

As soon as Luo Xiaoman walked into the imperial library, he was attracted by the piles of books in front of him. It was not that the number of books here was beyond imagination, but that the piles of books were all classical with an atmosphere of ancient times.

At this time, Qiang Ting walked to a bookshelf and took out a scroll.

He turned around and spread it out on the desk, revealing a mysterious and sharp painting.

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