The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1798: Heaven and Earth Center

"Have you seen this ancient painting?"

"The emperor, what is this painting?" Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked at this mysterious painting with a puzzled face. It looked like a chaos, saying it was a silly mess, but he always felt that there was something hidden in it. With endless reveries.

"This painting is chaos!" Qiang Ting smiled, very satisfied with Luo Xiaoman's reaction.

If there is no response, he might be autistic! At first, he saw this scroll for the first time, but he was confused for a long time!

"This is the scene of the first opening of Hongmeng drawn by a certain Qiang family."

"Heaven and earth were originally harmonious, regardless of you and me." As he said, he waved his hand, and the picture on the scroll seemed to have changed. "The fresh air rises for the sky, and the turbid air sinks for the earth."

The chaos in the painting gradually separated, the thin cloud shadows rose to the sky, and the thick ink sank to the ground.

However, Luo Xiaoman also noticed that there was still a gray area in the middle of the picture.

"this is……"

"This is the embryonic form of the human world!"

Qiang Ting's eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice, "This is the mysterious and yellow qi that is different from clear qi and muddy qi, and it is also the most powerful force in Chaos."

"After that, the world was first divided, everything grew, and everything was moving in a better direction. However, one day, someone with unpredictable minds appeared, and he sought to rule the entire world, which triggered the ancient war."

"After the battle of the ancients, the vitality of heaven and earth was greatly injured. It was this opportunity that gave birth to the ethereal world, the demon world, and the human world."

"The three forces fought endlessly, and finally my ancestor of the Qiang clan, Emperor Yan, was restored, and the two worlds of immortals and demons were closed, and the human world was peaceful."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman couldn't help asking: "The emperor, according to this, wouldn't the fusion of the Three Realms and the Six Paths ruin Emperor Yan's efforts?"

"Hey, if this is the case, we don't want to start a war either." Qiang Ting sighed, put his hands on the table, and said solemnly: "The problem is, the ambition of the elusive fairy world wolf, while Emperor Yan sealed the two worlds, they also sealed it. The power rules of the human world."

"Not only that, they also used Qing Cang as a primer to devour the spiritual power of the human world." At this point, a fierce divine light gushed out of his eyes. "If this is not the case, why is the human world, which possesses the aura of Xuan Huang, weak to this point?"

"Do you think the ethereal world of immortality has always been high above? No, in ancient times, our human world was the center of heaven and earth."

"If we don't crusade the ethereal world and completely break their seal on the human world, our human world will eventually be destroyed, and people here will never see hope."

Luo Xiaoman was silent!

Unexpectedly, there is such an inside story!

The ethereal immortal world that was originally aloft is not as good as the human world. The immortal world that their practitioners have been yearning for is the original sin of exploiting themselves.

Oh, that's ridiculous!

Their cultivators have been practicing desperately in this life, and in the end they just rushed to the enemy's camp. If they were to let them know the truth, they would lose their fighting spirit.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes and glanced at Qiang Ting. It is estimated that this is the reason why the Qiang clan has always kept this secret and kept it undisclosed to the public.

"Right!" Suddenly, she thought of a very serious question. "Since the ethereal immortal world has wolf ambitions, what about the demon world? Are they also seeking the vitality of the human world like the misty immortal world?"

Qiang Ting raised his eyes slightly, and stared at Luo Xiaoman with scorching eyes. This look made her feel uneasy.

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