"Father, the battle to kill the immortals is related to the prosperity of our Qiang family and the safety of the entire human world. To put such an important burden on an outsider, I am afraid there will be something wrong!" He bit He gritted his teeth and spoke out his inner thoughts.

Although the ministers did not speak, their eyes also showed a hint of doubt.

"Luo Xiaoman is a person whom Mr. Ling values. If you question Luo Xiaoman, you are questioning Mr. Ling." Qiang Ting squinted his eyes slightly and swept the ministers.

As far as his gaze was, it was like a needle, making these ministers like a thorn.

"I dare not!" Qiang Wenwu hugged his fists, and said quickly: "Mr. Ling is a magician, a fortune of heaven. The people he values ​​are naturally trustworthy. However, our trust does not mean that everyone in the world trusts. what."

"After all that, you just don't want Luo Xiaoman to command the army of the immortal, you want to be the leader alone."


Qiang Wenwu lowered his head and did not reply, but silence represented acquiescence.

"Emperor, I think that the eldest prince is the best person to command the army of immortals!" At this time, all the ministers spoke together to build momentum for the prince. "He is majestic, and he is fighting against foreign enemies in the realm. Who can be more suitable than him?"

Qiang Ting frowned. Even though he has absolute power, in the face of so many criticisms, even if he rejects all opinions and supports Luo Xiaoman, it will definitely lead to instability in the military, which is a taboo.

"Do you want the commander-in-chief?" Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and looked slyly at Qiang Wenwu. "Then I will give it to you."

"Huh?" Qiang Wenwu was slightly startled, looking at Luo Xiaoman with a look of astonishment.

"As the commander-in-chief, there are too many things to be responsible for, so I don't want to assume such a position." Luo Xiaoman spread his hands and said helplessly: "If you want it, you will give it to you. Anyway, this is a little bit for me. Not fragrant."

The ministers talked a lot, it seems that Luo Xiaoman's decision caught them by surprise.

"No." Qiang Wenwu shook his head, staring deeply at Luo Xiaoman. "You are the person that Mr. Ling values, and the person he named to take on the important responsibilities. The reason why this prince raises doubts is just to calm people's hearts."

"Then what do you want?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, knowing very well in his heart that this Qiang Wenwu was arrogant, and even if he wanted to replace her innate commander, he had to be replaced with integrity.

"This prince wants to compete with you." At this point, Qiang Wenwu turned around, hugged Qiang Ting, and said: "Father, please allow Erchen to compete with Miss Luo."

"As long as she can beat her son-in-chief, she sits securely in the position of commander-in-chief and won't be criticized by others."

"Okay!" Qiang Ting agreed to the request without thinking about it. "The time is set at noon today, the martial arts field!"

Before noon, there is another hour.

In this hour, whether it is Luo Xiaoman or Qiang Wenwu, it is impossible for them to cheat or do some other means.

The only thing Luo Xiaoman can do now is to lie on Da Bai's back and sleep comfortably.

Kunlun was very upset about the actions of Qiang's civil and martial arts, and wanted to break the opponent's neck directly, but Luo Xiaoman stopped this idea.

This is the Qiang family, even if Kunlun is strong, it is impossible to make trouble here, right?

After all, the Qiang clan had the confidence to challenge the ethereal world, even the fourth artifact, Kunlun, couldn't fight it.

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