"Miss Luo!"

At this moment, an urgent voice came, and Qiang Wenyi and Qiang Wenting hurried over.

"You, why are you sleeping?"

When they came in, they saw Luo Xiaoman lying lazily on Dabai's back sleeping, all with a dazed expression. "In less than an hour, you have to compete with Brother Huang, why are you still in the mood to sleep?"

"Ah~" Luo Xiaoman yawned, stretched his waist, glanced lazily at Qiang Wenyi and Qiang Wenting, and said impatiently: "Xiao Kun, blast them away, don't make a noise To my sleep!"

Suddenly, Kunlun stood up and stood in front of Luo Xiaoman, his eyes fixed on Qiang Wenyi and Qiang Wenting, and his body exuded a dangerous aura.

"Um, Luo Xiaoman, what are you doing?" Qiang Wenting was anxious, and said quickly: "Brother Erhuang and I are worried about you and want to give you advice!"

Luo Xiaoman waved his hand, without raising his eyelids, and said, "I'm interested. But now I just want to sleep!"

When the words fell, Kunlun's figure moved!

Qiang Wenwu and Qiang Wenting's minds tightened, and before they could react, they saw a dark figure standing in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, their necks were pinched by a hand, and at the same time a huge force came and threw themselves out.

Qiang Wenwu and Qiang Wenting are confused!

They are princes and princesses, but now they are thrown out by Kunlun. What a shame!

But, sadly, they simply cannot resist.

Thump thump!

Qiang Wenwu and Qiang Wenting sat down on the ground, their heads buzzing, but they were shocked by Kunlun's power.


The door of the room is also closed at this moment!

Seeing this, Qiang Wenwu knew in his heart that it would be impossible for this door to open before the start of the competition.

"Brother Erhuang, will it be too dangerous if we let this Kunlun develop?" Qiang Wenting frowned and said worriedly.

Qiang Wenwu squinted her eyes, pondered for a moment, and said solemnly: "This Kunlun is indeed dangerous. However, letting him develop without any interference is also Mr. Ling's order, we can only choose to believe.

Qiang Wenting was taken aback, and then sighed. At some point, Mr. Ling's words were even more important than her father's imperial decree. Even if they feel the danger from Kunlun, they can only hide deeply in the end.

"What we have to worry about now is that Luo Xiaoman and the emperor's brother compete." Qiang Wenyi frowned and said worriedly: "The emperor's proposal for this competition must have been planned for a long time. Very short-board fuss."

"But, Miss Luo refused our help." Qiang Wenting said helplessly.

Qiang Wenyi also smiled bitterly. He had never seen such a casual guy. Under such circumstances, everyone would be too nervous, but Luo Xiaoman was not, but chose to sleep!

"She doesn't know. Once she loses, the Qiang family is afraid that it will be messed up."

The Qiang clan, honor Mr. Ling's words as imperial decree. If Qiang's civil and military wins, it means that Mr. Ling's decision is wrong.

In this way, Mr. Ling will no longer be an absolute authority. When the time comes, people within the Qiang clan who are already dissatisfied with Mr. Ling will surely jump out and make a big fuss, thus putting the Qiang clan into a crisis of confidence.

Perhaps, this battle against the immortals will also be defeated without a fight!

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