The martial arts field was specially built by the martial Emperor Qiang family to test the strength of the royal family members.

At this time, this huge martial arts field was already inside, and the outside was full of people.

The people here, as high as the ministers of the imperial court and as low as the **** ladies, are basically here to see the grand prince's demeanor.

They didn't know anything about Luo Xiaoman. They only knew that this person dared to compete with the prince. Isn't this self-infuriating?

You know, now the strength of the eldest prince has reached the stage of maturity, and he is the strongest person in the younger generation in the royal family.

"What did you say about Luo Xiaoman, dare to challenge the prince?" an **** whispered to his companion next to him.

"Heh, I guess where the scattered people came from." His companion curled his lips and said mockingly: "However, why the eldest prince accepts the challenge of the scattered people while still in the martial arts field is really strange."

"Follow him! Anyway, the eldest prince will tell her what it means to be selfless!"

There was a lot of discussion, and they all thought that Luo Xiaoman challenged the prince, but they didn't know that this was the test proposed by the prince.

"The prince is here."

Soon, Qiang Wenwu came over.

Wrapped in black soft armor, he was combing a clean hair bun, and his eyes contained cold divine light, and his whole body exuded compelling power, which made people secretly praise.

It is worthy of being the strongest person among the younger generation of the Qiang imperial family. This posture is comparable to that of the emperor when he was young.

In their hearts, they already thought that the eldest prince was the heir of the emperor!

"Father!" Qiang Wenwu walked to Qiang Ting's, hugged his fists, bowed a bow, then turned his eyes around and said in doubt: "Where is Luo Xiaoman?"

He swept around the martial arts field, but he couldn't see Luo Xiaoman's figure, and his brows wrinkled deeply.

"Brother Huang, it's not yet at noon, so don't worry." Qiang Wenyi smiled here, but he was too anxious.

At this moment, how dare he say that Luo Xiaoman is sleeping?

Qiang Wenting next to her was also embarrassed. The best thing to do now is to remain silent!

"Heh, shouldn't he be scared away?" Qiang Wenwu curled his lips and smiled lightly: "Although she is mingled outside, but here is the Qiang family, the heart of the Central Plains, but it is not a good one. A place to play casually."

"Wenwu, your impatientness hasn't changed." Qiang Ting glanced over and said in a deep voice, "Even without Luo Xiaoman, I would not rest assured that you will command the army of Xianxian."

Qiang Wenwu's mind was tight, and he quickly bowed his head, saying: "The father's lesson is right, and the child minister must remember it in his heart."

"Yeah." Qiang Ting nodded, then glanced at the hour, and said: "There is still a quarter of an hour before noon, I believe Luo Xiaoman will arrive on time."

Qiang Wenwu squinted his eyes, dark in his heart, he felt that Luo Xiaoman would not come.

He is a strong man in the Dingqi period, and Luo Xiaoman will still be in a vain period when he is dead. It is estimated that she now understands her own strength, is she afraid to hide?

It was noon in a quarter of an hour.

There were a lot of thoughts in everyone's hearts, thinking that Luo Xiaoman was stunned and ran away, and some thought she was putting on airs.

A person who dares to put on the airs of royalty is not far from ruin.

"Huh, are there so many people?" When everyone was very impatient, a playful voice came, instantly drawing their attention.

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