"Idiot! Come back quickly!"

"Hahaha, make a small repair, don't panic, watch me beat him up."

Zhi Wu looked frenzied, waving eight arms, and killing him violently.

He feels that he can challenge stronger immortals now!

"Hmph, overwhelming!" The immortal noticed the attacking Zhi Wu and couldn't help snorting coldly.

Suddenly, golden lights gleamed, turning into ropes of light, entangled towards Zhiwu.

These light ropes are agile and difficult to figure out, Zhi Wu constantly changes directions, and can't get rid of these light ropes.

"What the **** is this?" Zhi Wu was startled, and simply stopped. One face opened his mouth, spewing out a flame, and burned toward these light ropes.

However, the light rope was only blocked by the flame, and immediately passed through, entangled Zhiwu.

"Zhi Wu!!" Hu Yanxiu rushed up, and the long sword in his hand turned and slashed towards the light rope. However, the light rope is very tough, even if it is Hu Yanxiu's long sword, it is difficult to break it.

"Xiaoxiu, don't come here!" Suddenly, Zhi Wu exclaimed, and quickly struggled. However, Hu Yanxiu did not pay attention to his call at all, and rushed up resolutely.

As soon as he rushed up, the light rope split into two immediately, entangled it all at once.

For a moment, Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu were both trapped by the light rope.

"Minor repairs, I told you not to come over." Zhi Wu pouted and said with a gloomy expression.

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!" Hu Yanxiu snorted and stared at this guy fiercely. "If you didn't underestimate the enemy, how could we be trapped!"

"Um..." Zhi Wu was startled slightly, and said awkwardly, "Who knew that these three immortal wheels are so much stronger than the two immortal wheels?"

"So, you need us!" At this moment, more than a dozen soldiers from the army of slashing immortals came over and launched a violent attack on the golden immortal.

Although their single-player combat power is insufficient, more than a dozen people, or even more than a hundred people, can still contain the Jinxian.


As Jin Xian was restrained and unable to control the light rope, both Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu broke free.

Immediately afterwards, they did not dare to be big, and together with others launched a storm against the immortal.

For a time, the army of immortals and the army of slashing immortals were fighting together. The scene was very shocking. Numerous killer moves and magical powers agitated and stirred up the void here.

"Xiaoman, don't we take action?" Kunlun frowned slightly, looking at Luo Xiaoman suspiciously.

Luo Xiaoman knocked a melon seed and said leisurely: "Don't worry. Didn't you find it? Although the offensive of the fairy army is very strong, it still has reservations."

Kunlun was startled slightly, then raised his eyes to look at the battle.

Even though he didn't know any tactics or the situation, he could still see that there were still some immortals waiting for orders from the ethereal immortal world.

Their almost all golden immortals are the strongest combat power in it!

"They are testing our details." Luo Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, staring coldly at the figure surrounded by white light and the military around him. "It's estimated that it won't be long before they are going to be real."

"Palace Master, it's almost done." At this moment, Xu Ming turned around, bowed to Li Zhi, and said solemnly: "They must now feel that they can compete with our immortals, and it is the morale of the rainbow. At any moment, as long as we completely sink this morale, they won't become a climate!"

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