Li Zhi nodded, then raised his eyes to look at the battle.

The immortal was restrained by these mortals, and his self-esteem was severely hit, so that his feet were in chaos, but the other party had a certain upper hand.

Seeing this, there was only a touch of indifference on her face, and she was not worried that the Faxian army would counterattack.

After all, immortals are immortals after all, mortals are mortals after all, the difference between the word, the difference between heaven and earth!

"Jin Chen, have you seen it?" Li Zhi tilted his eyes to Jin Chen, and saw that his face was ugly, and his eyes flashed with surprise. "This is the mortal that you immortals have always regarded as ants."

"Hmph, the reason why they have become so strong is entirely due to Hao Tianzhu." Jin Chen snorted coldly, unwilling to admit the power of mortals.

Li Zhi sneered, his face hidden in the white light showed a hint of mockery. "Do you really think that this is due to Hao Tianzhu? If these people have a bad foundation, how can they be able to withstand such a powerful force?"

Jin Chen clenched his fist tightly. In fact, he was also aware of this problem, but as a superior immortal, his powerful self-esteem would not allow himself to admit the power of these ants.

Seeing his resentment and unwillingness to accept the strength of these mortals, comparable to immortals, Li Zhi was secretly contemptuous.

The reason why she didn't rush to launch the second wave of offensive was to make these arrogant immortals recognize reality clearly.

If they don't recognize the reality, this battle will be difficult.

In her eyes, there are too many ants, and they will cause trouble to the giant elephant!

Li Zhi squinted his eyes and stared at the petite figure through the white light.

So far, this little ancestor has not been moved, and has been eating lollipops leisurely, which made her dare not act rashly.

"Master Xu, can you guess what Luo Xiaoman is calculating?"

"No way to know."

Xu Ming shook his head with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "Luo Xiaoman seems to be very leisurely, but in fact it is to numb our alertness to her and can't predict what she will do next?"

Li Zhi frowned, and his heart was dark. If this were the case, they were afraid that they could not act rashly, even Luo Xiaoman had guessed that they would completely destroy the morale of the army of Falling Immortals.

"Master Xu, if we launch a second wave of offensive now, wouldn't it be very dangerous?"

"Palace Master, don't worry about this." Xu Ming sneered, and said with a calm expression: "Although we can't figure out Luo Xiaoman's calculations, with our strength, we can completely crush any of her calculations."

"Okay!" Li Zhi nodded, then raised the Immortal Order, and shouted: "All the immortals will immediately launch the second wave of offensive after hearing the order."

With the appearance of the Immortal Venerable Order, many golden immortals looked straight, and quickly organized and launched a second wave of offensive against the army of killing immortals.

Although they felt that they had used their own power to deal with these ants and made some fuss, they could only choose to obey in front of the emperor's order.

For a time, many golden immortals flew out, bursting out with violent power, and crushed them by the army of the celestial slayer.

The celestial army was fighting with the first wave of immortals. It had the upper hand. With the addition of this second wave of offensive, it was instantly counterattacked.

"Evasion!!" Upon seeing the bad news, Qiang Civil and Martial Arts hurriedly shouted: "Form a battle formation and focus on defense!"

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