Jinxian's strength is too strong, if only one or two, they can still rely on the advantage of the number of people to fight each other.

However, now more than a hundred golden immortals have joined the battle, and the advantage instantly leans to the misty immortal world.

"Fuck you!!" Zhi Wu sideways avoided an attack from a golden immortal. Before he could relax, the other party attacked with another killer move.

"My little master is not angry, you are a sick cat."

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and abruptly caught the golden immortal's ultimate move.

With a bang!

One of Zhi Wu's arms was torn deeply, but he gritted his teeth, waving seven arms, and blasted the golden fairy madly.

The golden immortal's pupils shrank, and it seemed that he could not imagine that King Asura was so vigorous, he actually fought for the price of an arm and launched a strong attack on him.

This round of attacks came very suddenly and powerfully, making him unable to evade for a while.

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions exploded, the golden fairy was blasted by Jin Guangzhao, and the empty door opened wide.

"Minor repairs!!"

Following Zhi Wu's shout, a figure swiftly flew over, and a long sword contained icy cold and slammed the golden immortal.

The immortal vomited blood, his body froze quickly, and finally turned into an ice sculpture, falling heavily on the ground.

"Haha, minor repair, you are great..."

"you idiot!"

Before Zhi Wu finished speaking, Hu Yanxiu turned around and stared at him fiercely. "Do you want to fight like this? Do you think you have too many hands and you can give it up at will?"

Zhi Wu was startled slightly, three of the seven arms scratched his head, and the other four were awkwardly nowhere to be placed. "It's not that you don't know, I don't care if I am in a hurry!"

Hu Yanxiu stared at the idiot fiercely, suddenly moved and leaned over.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhi Wu's severed arm, and frowned even more as he looked at the **** wound. "Don't you have any pain?"

"I'm used to it." Zhi Wu grinned and said calmly: "It was all taught by Xiaoman's instructor. The previous training helped us improve our resistance to beating in advance. It doesn't hurt at the moment."

"It doesn't hurt?" Hu Yanxiu's eyes fell cold, and he pinched Zhiwu's wound badly.

"Wow!!" Zhi Wu screamed in pain, and quickly avoided Hu Yanxiu's hand, and said depressedly: "Xiao Xiuxiu, what are you doing!"

"Didn't you say it doesn't hurt?" Hu Yanxiu rolled his eyes, then took out a bottle of pill and sent it over. "This was given by Tsing Yi before. It is very effective for external injuries."

"Hey, Xiaoxiu, you are fierce and gentle, making me a little bit at a loss."

"Stop talking nonsense, apply medicine quickly!!"

Looking at Hu Yanxiu's slightly worried and urgent face, Zhiwu's mood was very happy, even if the wound on her broken arm was aching, it became less painful.

"Minor repairs, you don't actually need to apply medicine."


"I am the King of Shura, and I have a strong self-healing ability." Zhi Wu curled her lips, showing a sly smile, "Look!"

Then, the wound of his severed arm squirmed, and an intact arm grew in an instant.

"Hey! Isn't it amazing?" Zhi Wu triumphantly waved his eight arms, four faces, and took turns showing triumphant smiles, making Hu Yanxiu want to beat people more and more, which really blinded him to his kindness.

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