Demon tree, bound, devoured...

These keywords were tumbling in Hu Yanxiu's mind, allowing him to connect them.

Seeing Zhi Wu becoming stronger day by day, from chasing him to surpassing him now, it is like an invisible shackle that binds him.

As Zhi Wu's strength gets stronger and the distance between each other gets farther and farther, the shackles become tighter and tighter, which will only make him lose himself in the end.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, what are you in a daze?" Zhi Wu looked up and pressed his forehead against Hu Yanxiu's forehead. Those bright eyes were filled with doubt. "Let's stay in a daze, we are really going to be sucked up."

Hu Yanxiu recovered, and his confused eyes gradually became clearer. "What are we going to do now?"

"Um..." Zhi Wu tilted his head, thought for a moment, and said, "Since he wants to **** us up, let him **** enough!"

"Huh?" Hu Yanxiu looked at this whimsical guy with a blank expression. Are they going to open up and take the initiative to let this demon tree absorb the true essence?

"From now on, you have to cooperate with me, and you can't hesitate, otherwise, this plan will fall short!"

Zhi Wu swept away the playful air, became serious and focused, which made Hu Yanxiu's heart more confused.

However, at the same time I was confused, I also trusted this guy who seemed unreliable, but was actually very reliable.

"Don't worry, I am not as idiot as you!"

"Come on then!"

Zhi Wu's eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to circulate the sea of ​​Qi to release his true essence.

Needless to say, Hu Yanxiu also followed the movement of Qi Hai, releasing the true essence, and synchronized with Zhi Wu.

Their true essence, converging into a river, frantically washed the meridians of the demon tree.

Originally, the demon tree absorbed the true essence very slowly, just like a glutton, tasting the delicious food, everything was very relaxed.

But now the situation has changed!

He was like being **** by people, stubbornly mad at food. Once you can't keep up with your digestion, you will be killed directly!

Having figured this out, Hu Yanxiu glanced at Zhi Wu in shock. He didn't expect this guy who is usually impulsive and stubborn to think of this. It really made him look at him with admiration.

"Xiaoxiu, don't worship me, I will be proud!" Zhi Wu noticed Hu Yanxiu's surprised eyes, and couldn't help but smile triumphantly. He liked to see this guy in surprise.

Humph, let you be so cold and ostentatious at ordinary times, and now you are finally pulled back by the little master!

"Let's talk! How did you think of it?" Hu Yanxiu quickly changed back to his senses, he sighed, and asked slowly.

"Of course it was an inspiration, Masai suddenly opened..."

"Tell the truth!"

"Cough cough!" Hu Yanxiu shook his sharp eyes, causing Zhi Wu to cough awkwardly, and then whispered: "I really had an idea, um...I thought of Elder Ji once greedy, and almost gobbled it up. Choked to death!"

Hearing this, the corners of Hu Yanxiu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't think that Elder Ji choked while eating, and he could also inspire this guy.

However, he also made a mistake by hitting and colliding, and he has broken the weakness of Demon Tree!

Although the demon tree can absorb their true essence, it takes a slow process to digest the power.

However, once the digestion speed fails to keep up, their true essence will become highly poisonous, allowing the demon tree to eat its own evil consequences.

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