The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1854: What you just said didn't fool me, was it?

"Hey, the demon tree has reacted!"

At this moment, the demon tree shivered violently, and the branches of this small forest tumbling, seemed to be suffering unimaginable pain.

Not only that, as they no longer fear the true essence being absorbed, the absorption speed of the demon tree has also slowed down!

At the same time, Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu also saw clearly that the body of the demon tree was indeed a huge tree!

"Zhi Wu, it seems that we have to work harder!" Hu Yanxiu noticed that as the demon tree's struggle became more and more intense, the surrounding branches quickly turned yellow and wilted.

However, the speed at which the Demon Tree absorbs their true essence has also increased.

"The Demon Tree is fully absorbing our true essence, and at our current speed, I am afraid that there is no way to give him a fatal blow."

"Really?" Zhi Wu squinted her eyes, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, revealing a sly smile. "It looks like I'm going to give this demon tree a big meal!"

When the voice fell, his eight arms came out, four faces appeared, but they became the posture of King Shura.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical force burst out, and the power of Shura merged into the torrent of true essence, rushing towards the demon tree frantically.

Originally, the demon tree had tried his best to absorb the true essence of these two human beings, but before he could stabilize the situation, a stronger horizontal force rushed over.

For a moment, his branches were shattered by this force and came toward the body unscrupulously.

He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of monster he caught this time? !


With a violent blast, the dust splashed, and two figures flew out and landed firmly on the ground.

"Hey! Are you satisfied with this Shura meal?" Zhi Wu curled her lips, and all four faces showed playful smiles, mocking the greedy demon tree.

"He expressed dissatisfaction, and then vomited!" Suddenly, Hu Yanxiu answered abruptly, making Zhi Wu truly stunned.

Well, this guy will be humorous too? But how did such a cold humor do it?


Without waiting for Zhi Wu to figure out Hu Yanxiu's thoughts, branches rolled over.

These branches are agile, as if they are alive, they beat them frantically. However, the Zhi Wu that regained freedom, and Hu Yanxiu, had enough awareness of prevention, and naturally they would not be entangled again.

They dashed from the left to the right with a tacit understanding, evading the attack of the branches, and attacked the demon tree's body at the same time.

I'm afraid this demon tree isn't a fine!

Under the impact of the power just now, the Demon Tree did not sit and wait for death, but chose the strong man to break his arm, paying the price of half of his body, and cut off the connection with Zhiwu and the others, thus escaping from being blown up by the power of Shura. The end.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you said we killed the demon tree, can we get out of the illusion?" Zhi Wu asked while avoiding the attack of the branches.


Although the badly wounded Demon Tree was not to be feared, Hu Yanxiu's eyes were always fixed on the huge figure hidden in the dust.

"That's right!" Suddenly, Zhi Wu blinked, and the four faces were flushed. "What you just said didn't fool me, did you?"

"Huh?" Hu Yanxiu avoided the attack of a branch, turned his head, and glanced at Zhi Wu suspiciously.

"Well, you said that after the Battle of Slashing Immortals, we will find one..."


A branch slammed out of the ground and pierced Zhi Wu's body sharply, pushing him to the sky.

"Do not!!"

In this scene, Hu Yanxiu's eyes were red, and the momentum on his body was also swept out like a violent wind at this moment.

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