Huh huh!

Endless ice-cold sharp blades flew out, like squally storms, cutting the seriously injured demon tree wantonly!

The Demon Tree had already been severely injured and was dying, but now it has been cut mercilessly, even more injury.

However, this was not over yet, a furious ice lion flew out, waving its sharp claws, and raging on the body of the demon tree.

After some tossing, the demon tree was tossed to pieces.

He never expected that the human being in front of him had such a terrifying power.

He just pierced another person's body, but forced this guy to explode with such terrifying power.

If there is regret medicine in this world, he will definitely not hurt that red-haired human!

Hu Yanxiu ignored whether the Demon Tree was alive or dead, and rushed up quickly and hugged Zhi Wu from the tree.

Looking at the **** wound, his heart was gripped tightly, and it was cut fiercely like a dagger, the pain was deep in the heart and the soul was trembling.

"Zhi Wu, wake up!!" Hu Yanxiu whispered, his eyes flushed, and for the first time he was afraid that the guy in front of him would leave him like this!

"Minor repairs..."

"I'm here!"

Hearing Zhi Wu's call, Hu Yanxiu's eyes lit up and quickly responded to him.

"You, can you let me down first?"


"You pressed my wound, it hurts!"

Hu Yanxiu's pupils shrank, then suddenly let go.

Suddenly, Zhi Wu fell down and slammed on the ground, both of her buttocks hurt.

"Fuck you! Xiao Xiuxiu, I told you to put it down, but I didn't let you toss it down! Ouch, it hurts my little master." Zhi Wu grinned, rubbing her **** continuously, cursing in her mouth.

Seeing him like this, Hu Yanxiu was dumbfounded.

"Are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Zhi Wu curled her lips, patted the dust on her body with ease, and said: "Did you forget? I am the King of Shura, with powerful self-healing ability."

After the words fell, the **** wounds healed quickly, just like the previous rebirth from the severed hand!

Seeing this, Hu Yanxiu was stunned for a while, and then the worry on his face instantly changed back to indifferent. "It seems I underestimated you."

"Hey, that's not right!" Suddenly, Zhi Wu reacted and asked, "You seemed to be very anxious just now, you care about me."

"Sorry, I'm just worried about my sparring. If you don't have such a good sparring partner, I will be very troubled." Hu Yanxiu turned his back and said coldly.

Seeing Hu Yanxiu turning his back proudly, Zhi Wu curled his lips dejectedly, this guy really didn't seem to care about him. "Okay! I have to charge after that! My current worth is very high!"

"Humph!" Hu Yanxiu let out a cold snort, and then walked towards the wreckage of the demon tree.

"Xiaoxiuxiu, you haven't answered me yet." Zhi Wu raised her chin slightly and shouted: "Is what you just said is true?"

Hu Yanxiu paused in his footsteps, looked back at Zhi Wu, and said faintly: "I just want you not to be confused by the illusion."

After all, he quickened his pace and walked to the demon tree.

Zhi Wu curled his lips, feeling depressed, and yes, how could this guy be so good, go to such a place with him?

The remains of the demon tree had turned into a pile of icicles.

Under Hu Yanxiu's ice sharp blade and the bite of the ice lion, the demon tree was almost torn to pieces. If it hadn't been specially preserved, it would have turned into fly ash.

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