The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1861: Luo Xiaoman's confidence

"What does Luo Xiaoman want to do?" Seeing this scene, Li Zhi from the outside couldn't help feeling uneasy. "Does she want to forcefully break through the illusion?"

"Impossible!!" Xu Ming shook his head and said with certainty: "This illusion, but with the help of the power of the immortals, is indestructible and impossible to break through!"

"Especially, I am now pouring more power into her illusion, it is absolutely impossible to break through!"

Li Zhi also recognized his confidence!

Before thinking of this illusion, they had already made various predictions, including Luo Xiaoman's hard work, or Kunlun's shot, it would be impossible to break this illusion.

However, looking at Luo Xiaoman's posture, it seems that he has enough confidence to break this illusion!


Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and let out a low voice.

Suddenly, a ray of light burst into the sky, and a big hammer flew out from the depths of the forest, and soon returned to Luo Xiaoman's hands.

Seeing this big hammer, Li Zhi's heart tightened, his expression unbelievable. "How is it possible? Why does this big hammer contain such amazing power?!"

"It's a magic ring!!" Jin Chen's pupils shrank, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes. "This is the weapon of the magic ring!"

"Even the phantom ring, one of the three great artifacts, cannot contain such amazing power!" Xu Ming frowned, and said solemnly: "This power is destroy the entire fantasy world!"

He misestimated Luo Xiaoman's potential!

He budgeted Luo Xiaoman, Kunlun, and others, but he had missed the limit of the magic ring.

He never expected that the magic ring could contain such a huge force!

Generally speaking, even the phantom ring, one of the three great artifacts, will disintegrate itself within minutes if it has such a huge power!

However, what he didn't know was that the current phantom ring had evolved and became more mysterious and unfathomable.

If a small Xumi space cannot accommodate such a huge force, what about the world?

Luo Xiaoman held a big hammer and felt the surging power in it, with a confident smile on his lips.

The new world of the phantom ring can contain this amazing power, and the tang armor can let her withstand the impact of this power.

A delicate balance was reached between each other, giving her the confidence to break through this illusion.

Kunlun stood on the side, plundering for Luo Xiaoman, but those eyes couldn't hide the admiration for this petite person.

When they were trapped in this illusion, Luo Xiaoman didn't panic. No matter what monsters or dangers appeared in front of him, he could keep calm and calm.

It can be said that Luo Xiaoman is fearless in his heart, so that the effect of illusion becomes very small.

In order to mislead Li Zhi and the others, Luo Xiaoman placed the big hammer in the depths of the forest, constantly absorbing the power of the Hao Tianzhu, while she was grilling and relaxing.

When everyone thought she was playing and provoking, they didn't know that the big hammer turned into the illusion contained a blow to break the illusion.

"Haha!" Li Zhi shook his head with a wry smile, and murmured: "We actually wanted to trap Luo Xiaoman with the illusion. It's ridiculous! This little ancestor is reborn as a human and has a tough mind. How could there be such a thing as a heart demon? ?"

Without the inner demon, there would be no weakness, no matter how the illusion evolves, it is impossible to threaten her.

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