The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1862: Are you interested in running away together?

"Three forms of breaking the sky, the first form, falling marks!!" Luo Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, slammed the big hammer, and slammed it forward.

Suddenly, the power exploded, like a shower of rain and violent wind, and like a violent wave, shaking the entire illusion.

At the same time, Luo Qi was curling up, sucking his nose while staring at Qiang Wenwu with a grievance.

Through the silver star, they indeed left the desert.

However, they came to a icy iceberg again.

"The prince, are you reliable?" Chi Chi frowned and said dissatisfied: "The desert, anyway, is my sister's site. You can ignore the heat. But here, do you want to freeze the birds?"

After speaking, she shivered, and quickly got under the white fur to get warm.

Dabai wailed, and couldn't help but shiver. Although he has a lot of hair, the temperature here is too low to cover it!

"The prince, I think we have to leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will freeze into popsicles." Luo Qi sighed, thinking about it, but forget it. After all, the prince was not sure at first. Can Silver Star break through the illusion?

"I, I'll try again!" Qiang Wenwu sniffed, then slammed the silver star to the ground. He glanced at Luo Qi, Chi Chi, and Da Bai, and motioned for them to input power into the Silver Star again.

"The prince, we can only try again. If it still doesn't work, we'll be over." Luo Qi frowned and said solemnly.

The power they had just consumed accounted for almost half of all their power. Now try again, I'm afraid that I will empty the remaining power in my body.

If they can't get out like this, they will really be trapped here to die.

"Trust me!" Qiang Wenwu sniffed again and said in a deep voice, "This time, we can definitely go out!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone poured their strength into the silver star again.

As the silver star's light gleamed, everyone's eyes narrowed, as if they were just now, after a trance, they appeared in another dimension.


When everyone opened their eyes again, they were stunned on the spot!

"It was an iceberg just now, now it's...the sea, we still couldn't get out!" Chi Chi swept around, knowing that they were still in the illusion, just changed the scene.

Although there is no icy cold or high temperature burning here, there is a vast ocean here, the unknown of the deep sea, like a big net, covering them, bit by bit into the abyss.

"Ah!!! How could this happen!!" Qiang Wenwu collapsed. Unexpectedly, Silver Star couldn't take them out of this illusion. Could it be that they could only die here?


At this moment, a burst of noise exploded.

Everyone was startled slightly, and saw a crack appeared in the front.

Two figures came out of this crack and flew towards them.

"Hey, isn't that Xiao Wu, is there a minor repair?" Chi Chi's eyes lit up, and he recognized the two figures at a glance.

However, she saw a huge figure poking out from the crack, it turned out to be King Shura with arms on all sides!

"Wow, Chi Chi, what a coincidence? Are you interested in running away together?" Zhi Wu also saw Chi Chi and others, and couldn't help but joking.


Chi Chi stunned unceremoniously, then fluttered his wings, and fled quickly.

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