Qiang Wenwu is confused!

He thought that they were going to be trapped in this vast ocean, but he didn't expect Zhiwu to pop out in a blink of an eye, and Hu Yanxiu and two others, and brought them a "meeting gift"!

For this "meeting ceremony", he refused a hundred!

However, he couldn't help it if he didn't like it anymore. This "meeting ceremony" is sure to communicate with them more! !


The King Shura with arms on all sides roared in anger, stepped on his two long legs, and flew towards Zhi Wu and the others.

Even the seemingly unfathomable ocean can only be submerged to his chest, enough to see the hugeness of this King Shura!

"Xiao Wu, isn't this the boss of your Asura Dao? You told him to stop!" Chi Chi turned around and looked at the chasing King Asura, and quickly shouted.

"Woo, I recognize him as the boss, he doesn't recognize me as a little brother!" Zhi Wu wanted to cry without tears, and then turned around and said: "By the way, why did our illusion jump up?"

"Perhaps something has changed in the outside world!" Hu Yanxiu frowned, and said solemnly: "From just now, I found that the surrounding atmosphere has become much weaker."

"Really? Then do we have a chance to break through this illusion?" Zhi Wu's eyes lit up and he looked at Hu Yanxiu expectantly.

Hu Yanxiu squinted at him, shook his head calmly, and said, "I think, let's avoid this big guy first."

Everyone's minds tightened, and they all glanced at the huge King Shura.

Even if they have a way to escape the illusion, but under this situation, there is no way to do it!

"I'll try to stop him." At this moment, Luo Qi turned around and stared at King Shura solemnly. "Senior Zhiwu, senior Xiu, try to break the illusion here."

"Xiao Qiqi, you are so brave!" Chi Chi's eyes lit up and he praised him, then turned around and said: "Sister, come to help you!"

Suddenly, Da Bai also turned around, wailing, and he wanted to join Luo Qi's camp.

Luo Qi was moved by this, his eyes flashed with firm divine light, for the sake of Sister Chi and Dabai's trust, he had to stop this King Shura.

"I'm coming too!" Qiang Wenwu sighed their unity, and then stared firmly at the coming King Shura. "At such a moment, as the prince of the Qiang clan, how can I shrink back?"

Having said that, he glanced at Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu again. "I will leave it to you to figure out the escape from the illusion!"

"Huh?!" Zhi Wu was slightly startled, looking at Qiang Wenwu with a blank expression. "I, I don't know anything!"

Hu Yanxiu curled his lips, then hugged Zhiwu over. "Don't talk, from now on, cooperate with me!"

"Yeah!" Zhi Wu blinked, seeing a touch of confidence in Hu Yanxiu's clear eyes, and couldn't help but say with joy: "Small repair repair, from now on, I will only follow you!"

Seeing Zhi Wu's eyes like this, Hu Yanxiu's heart was very helpful, and he immediately exuded divine thoughts, feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

As an illusion, it must have its eyes.

Now that the various illusions have fleeed, the concealment in them must become weak, which also gives them a chance to explore the formation.

"Zhi Wu, I don't have enough spiritual thoughts right now, I need to borrow yours!"


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